Allegory of the Cave in Current Events

  • July 30, 2024, 10:09 p.m.
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The shock bled the red from my face.

My roommate let her hair down the other day. She stepped in front of me and it was all I could see. Her alopecia has gotten worse. Who cares?! It didn’t do anything. I’m fine. If they make me do it again I will do it. She randomly said about the experimental gene therapy they call a vaccine. That was in response to a rant I had about how frustrating it is to be around idiots 24/7. People who keep acting against their own best interests. Who make more and more decisions based on less and less information. The con-19 vaccines literally had zero information. None. Nada. The packets were left blank. It was truthful that there was no evidence that it was unsafe but it wasn’t true that it was safe. Absence of evidence Is evidence of absence, propaganda 101. I’m shocked that I was shocked by how many failed the simple IQ test.

I first noticed her alopecia shortly after she first cannibalized the cells and tissues of partially aborted infants with a Moderna shot. Finger licking good! They die on a slab, or alter if you will. For $cience! We trust! She was diagnosed with psoriasis shortly after her second one. That was after it knocked her off her ass for 5-days. After she puked her guts out. She is totes fine though. She is totes protected. The experimental gene therapy is so effective that you have to take it twice a year. So safe that it is being pulled from shelves. So effective that you still catch an alleged virus that was not a) isolated b) linked to causation. I’m old enough to remember when antibodies meant you were protected. It now means you are infected and contagious. A vaccine was also not a gene therapy, once upon a time. Funny how the science always changes to make the profitable theory work. I felt so bad for her. I alluded to her alopecia once and she shut it down fast. She is in denial. Lord knows she doesn’t have aluminum-free brain cells to rub together. Does anyone?

When I was talking with my mother on the phone yesterday, she brought up her diagnosis. It is heavy on her mind, of course. She is finally ready to get counseling. Then the conversation got hard to sit through because she started listing all the vaccines she is going to get to protect herself. There is nothing out there that we need protection from. There is no reasoning with these medical zealots. We call it the fluoride stare. They go blank, right before they get hostile because they’re troglodytes. They literally cannot process information on their own. It’s physically impossible to generate an independent thought. It’s like demonic possession when you try to push them to do so. They cannot do it. Like Bible thumbers, they think you’re the idiot who has never heard of the gospel word of $cience. That you haven’t heard the message from the news messiah.

When you put something in the body that doesn’t belong there it has to come out. Poisoning the body to turn off the symptoms, which are the cures, is what creates these disease states. It’s not a high concept. A cough doesn’t mean you are possessed by some invisible entity that has never been proven to exist. They keep changing the science to make that theory work. The science behind the antithesis works. Terrain theory: toxic waste and nutritional deficiencies cause disease. Stefan Lanka debunked germ theory and proven terrain theory in a Supreme Court but we’re too busy debating gender to care. This was hard enough to witness without watching my mother dig her own grave.

No virus has ever been isolated and no disease has ever been replicated by one. We can verify this independently but we are not evolved enough to push through a little cognitive dissonance. Yes! The world really is that dark and full of terrors. I’m sorry everybody struggles so much to relate to reality. IF we want me to be wrong, isolate a virus and replicate disease with it. I’ll wait.

$cience says touch your toes! Let your body remove waste and repair damage! Uh oh! I didn’t say $cience says! That’s the intelligence level we have. But it would be on the news! Oh! That was fact-checked! But $cience bro.… Says people who can’t run, can’t shit, can’t see their own genitals. Experts in health and wellness they are. I wear two masks, I know what health is. Breathing in our own waste, what a brilliant idea! I’ll stay chemically pregnant until menopause and then again after that gets too hard because of lifelong chemical pregnancy! Oh nor, breast cancer. What an awesome idea! I was born pharmaceutical deficient, and then I discovered medicine. My lord and savior. Now I don’t have to make any lifestyle changes. I am the victim here, everyone needs to comply or I’ll die from the consequences of sucking at life and health. In $cience we trust! The only victims are the children.

I went from feeling sorry for my roommate to enjoy wearing hats you dumb bitch real quick. But compassion bro. It has limits.

Last updated July 30, 2024

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