Generic Ass Advice. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- July 25, 2024, 9:25 a.m.
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- squats to depth. Low reps, and high reps
- deadlifts and/or SLDL/RDLs. Low reps, and high reps
- Bulgarian split squats to depth. Attack high reps until you question your sanity
- rounded-back glute extensions. After you can hit 3x30 bodyweight, grab a 45 lb plate. Last set, add a rep over last session, drop the plate, and slowly do a bodyweight set until your glutes cry.
This should not be done in one day. Just what I hit across two days. My ass isn’t massive, but it’s vaguely Instagram Worthy.
Another bit of scribbles I keep in my notepad for easy copy/paste. As How Do I Get A Nice Ass? comes up a lot. Try every avenue, and hope for the best.
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gattaca ⋅ July 25, 2024
You should do a series on squats for people with knee replacements. But then again you don't have knee replacements, I do. So maybe I should do the series.
Either way, my ass will probably not change much. 🤠
Timmy™ gattaca ⋅ July 25, 2024
Seems like people who are inactive have bad knees, which causes bad squats. Not the other way around. The gymrat logic is to strengthen what is weak. But. When it comes to preexisting conditions like knee crap, above my paygrade.
That'll be five dollars.
gattaca Timmy™ ⋅ July 25, 2024
You are correct, I've been more sedentary than I should've been. But apparently I'm also genetically predisposed to osteoarthritis, which I have in spades.
And of course, the first place the arthritis manifested was in my knees, in my 40s!