
In Dependents Day in Trichotomy

  • July 5, 2024, 11:42 a.m.
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We are upstate now at La Professeure’s parents’ for independence day holiday. We arrived on Tuesday and will go back Sunday. It is a bit low-key; La Professeure has a list of tasks to accomplish, including setting up accounts with her brother where her parents can shift some of their assets to them in order for them to be eligible for Medicare in the future. She also has access to their safety deposit box and financial information. Very grim but necessary preparations. And began to clear out the basement too.

We took the rabbit with us. While he enjoys the extra space in his territory, we would lock him in his pen in the evening and night. He is not happy about that. But at least he gets very excited in the morning when we let him out, which means he’s not taking the additional space for granted.

At least we are keeping busy, even though the Euros are in the post-quarter finals pause now.

  • N


Our amateur musician group had our last recital of the season on Sunday, and attendance was good. It was one of the only times where I didn’t have anyone cancel. I’d picked a Sunday because a orthodox jewish member can’t perform on Sabbath, and now I’m thinking we should do more recitals on Sundays. Now that I’ve run the recitals for a year, I find the MC duties easier to do (or maybe I’m just more used to it).

I am only marginally involved in La Professeure’s families financial planning stuff, so I got a lot of time to tick off some tasks I’d wanted to do for the group’s site (plug some security vulnerability, updated board membership, update the copyright notice). In the process I ran across another amateur group, doing similar things to us, but tailored for pianists, with a very snazzy polished website. Then I realized that I had been to their events before, a long time ago, when one of the best pianists in our group invited me to check them out during their end-of-season concert. It was rather sad - they had rented out the recital hall at Baruch college for the event, had six (very impressive) pianists perform on the program, but there were only 20, maybe 30 people in the audience - and the recital hall can hold 1100. Even now, while their group has grown, and is putting on chamber music performances, it still only has 25 performing members, while ours easily has over a hundred. Their group looks much more formal and exclusive though.

I guess we have different niches.

  • S


I brought left over prednisone with me even though I had completed my prednisone treatment a couple of weeks ago. There’s been no flare up so far now I’m on Zyrtec for a few weeks, so fingers crossed it stays that way. But every time I get a little itch I’d now worry maybe another flare-up is imminent.

Getting old is not fun.

  • D

Last updated July 05, 2024

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