I was wrong. (And I need naming help.) in Those Public Entries
- July 26, 2024, 9:23 p.m.
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- Public
We aren’t fucked. I was in a panic when I wrote my last post.
That said, we’re not out of the woods yet. Like I said, the Democrats have my vote, whoever they pick (and they’d better fucking pick Kamala!), but there’s still three-ish months left to Election Day, and anything could happen. (Orange Shitgibbon dies of a heart attack while at a rally, please, Universe?)
So if you really don’t want a second Orange Shitgibbon term, vote blue. That’s really all I can give you. Keep the fascists out of the White House, then we’ll start fixing things.
Also, I think either Josh Shapiro or Jonny Kim should be Harris’s Veep. Shapiro being the governor of Pennsylvania, he might get the state to swing for her. Kim is just awesome in every single way. With either ticket, we either have the Orange Shitgibbon losing to a woman of color with a background in law enforcement and a Jewish guy, or losing to a woman of color with a background in law enforcement and a Korean-American Navy SEAL-surgeon-astronaut.
So, um… I got another cat on Wednesday.
I saw her in one of my local Facebook groups. According to the poster, she was dumped off at their farm one day, but she’s friendly and comes right up to people (can confirm), so they didn’t want her to just be a barn cat.
At the moment, all I know is she’s friendly, she’s probably less than a year old, and she’s female. She has a vet appointment next Friday morning, where I’m going to get her tested for feline leukemia, feline AIDS, distemper, and to see if she might be pregnant. And then to set up a spay for her.
I don’t have a name for her yet. I was originally thinking Liza Meownnelli, but that seems a bit silly, and I’m not sure she’s a Liza anyway. Other ones I’ve considered: Nyx, Katara, and Lenore. Let me know which ones you like, or if you have a suggestion!
As for her personality? Like I said, she’s friendly. She’s spent a lot of time purring since I got her home (she did not like the car ride). And she is completely unafraid of Smudge, which is a good thing, because he can be a bully. One of the first things little girl did was rush right up to him and hiss in his face, so I’m not concerned at all that she’ll take his shit. (Smudge is actually slightly afraid of her, which is absolutely hilarious to me, because she can’t weigh five pounds soaking wet, where he’s almost 17 lbs and about three times her size.) They’re still in the “screaming at each other” phase, but it’s actually been pretty quiet today. Oh, and she s a very high-pitched, shrill meow.
They were staring at each other when I took these pics. And yes, Smudge can jump to the top of the fridge, at least from the table. There’s a reason my days are spent wiping off counters with Dawn PowerWash and disinfectant spray.
I’d write more, but I am drained and I managed to lose a month’s worth of sertraline (I have a refill approved already, but still). Have some memes.
Park Row Fallout ⋅ July 27, 2024
I've heard a lot of really good arguments for Mark Kelly, too. And it would still be a fun "look" based on the Q Crowd losing to an actual Astronaut. Argue flat earth to that guy! lol