Take your sanctimony and shove it. in Those Public Entries
- July 14, 2024, 7:02 p.m.
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People: Stop “both sides”-ing the Orange Shitgibbon’s assassination attempt. Fucking quit it. There is no “both sides here. And no, you are not some good, elevated human being when you simper about “but he’s just people like me, and I don’t like seeing people suffer!” Shut the fuck up, you sanctimonious asshole. No one’s impressed, and no one is buying it.
Trump has been calling on his cultists to commit violence against the left, against Democrats, against immigrants, against children, against women, against anyone who isn’t sufficiently loyal to him, since 2016.
Trump mocked a disabled journalist on his campaign trail.
When white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, screaming “THE JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!”, and when someone drove their car into a group of peaceful counter-protesters, killing one of them, Trump said that the white supremacists were “very fine people.”
When Perry High School was the latest in a series of mass shootings, Trump told people to “get over it,” less than 24 hours after it happened.
When COVID became a genuine threat, Trump ignored it, downplayed it, refused to order protective gear and tests for health care personnel, refused to address the increased violence against health care workers, and refused to invoke the Stafford Act to alleviate its effects. Even him catching and (allegedly) almost dying from it didn’t change his mind or his actions.
When George Floyd and Breonna Taylor were murdered by police officers, Trump blamed them. When BLM protesters took to the street in peaceful protest, Trump called them “thugs” and told the cops “please don’t be too gentle” when dealing with them.
When Bernie Sanders had a heart attack, Trump mocked him.
Trump mocked Biden’s age, his speech impediment, and his son’s issues with addiction.
When Biden won the 2020 election fair and square, Trump claimed fraud and called state governors, begging them to make Democrat ballots disappear.
Trump encouraged the insurrection on January 6th, 2021. He referred to these terrorist as “very special” and told them “we love you.”
Trump stole confidential documents, and probably leaked them to Putin.
When Nancy Pelosi’s husband was beaten with a hammer (by a Trumpet, no less) and nearly died, Trump mocked both Paul and Nancy.
When a group of Trumpets was busted for trying to kidnap Gretchen Whitmeyer, Trump praised them.
He’s still whipping his supporters into violent frenzies at his rallies.
And those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. I know I missed a bunch, and I’ll hear about it in the comments. But if anything, the fact that he’s had so many instances proving himself an awful person that I literally can’t remember all of them, makes my argument stronger.
The assassination attempt yesterday was not, in any way, “tragic” or “unprecedented,” or even “uncalled for.” It was a logical conclusion. This is a case of “fuck around and find out.” “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” if you will. Trump has been calling for his supporters to be violent, to commit violence in his name, for almost a decade. Well, he got what he wanted. Political violence he called for, and political violence he got.
And let’s talk for a second about the insane double-standard, here. When Democrats and leftists have something terrible happen to us, the GOP is just allowed to be horrible, awful people, to have their schadenfreude, to mock us for being “weak” and “libtarded, woke-mind virus pussies”. But when something happens to a Republican, even if it was a case of “fuck around and find out,” Democrats and leftists are just expected to be the bigger person. When a leftist admits to feeling some kind of schadenfreude or finding humor in a Trumpet/GOP’s misery, we’re the spawn of Satan, we’re horrible people, we have no morals, “we’re better than this!” Why do we always have to be “the bigger person”? Why don’t we get to have our little jokes and laughs and jollies when shit like this happens to Trumpets? “Being the bigger person” only works if there’s a low to which neither side will stoop, as I’ve said before, and also as I’ve said before, the GOP and far right keep proving, over and over and over again, that that low does not exist for them. They are playing limbo in the ninth circle of hell, while demanding absolute decorum and decency from us. It’s bullshit, and I refuse to play that game. Trump got exactly what he’s been asking for, and he got his ear hurted for it. I’m not anywhere near sorry, I find that fuckin’ hilarious.
Miss me like the shooter with “but hims a person, just like us!” No, he’s not! He is a human being, a homo sapien, and that’s where the similarities begin and end. Trump is still, to this day, one of the most powerful people on the planet. He wields a terrifying amount of influence, and he has a support base that is literally willing to fight and kill for him. He is protected and shielded from the consequences of his actions in a way the rest of us are not. This is one of the only cases, in all his 78 years of existence, where he has ever been made to face the music, and I’m supposed to feel sorry for him over a little bloody ear?
Donald Trump is not a person like you and me. He is a malignant narcissist. He is a cruel, foul example of a human being. He lacks empathy, curiosity, intelligence, and probably the ability to gain any of these things. He is as cruel to the people he’s supposed to love (his family, his wife and his children) as he is to complete strangers. And you sit there, flattering yourself a good person because you’re posting on social media about how “I don’t want to see any human suffer”? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!
To quote Cody Johnston from Some More News, from back when Trump caught COVID: “When people try to scold you for feeling a sense of relief or schadenfreude, they often try to remind you that ‘Trump’s a human, just like you, you know?’ But he’s not. He’s the most powerful person on the planet; a cruel authoritarian, and he uses his power to try and consolidate power […] Trump […] is some dude who got his dick caught in a toaster, after screaming about how safe and good it is to fuck toasters, and is so pumped full of drugs and hubris, he’s dangling the toaster from his weenus, bragging about it as we speak. And folks… It’s a little funny.”
And before anyone asks: No, I don’t even feel sorry for the person who was killed at the rally, or the ones who were injured. Again, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” And again, miss me with “but they were just out to have a good time!” The kids at Uvalde were just going to school! The kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High were just going to school! The people at the Pulse night club were just going out to dance and have fun! The people at the Route 91 Harvest music festival were just going out to have fun! And it cost them their lives, because of the type of people who go to Trump rallies. They buy his rhetoric, they regurgitate it, they call for violence against people like you and me just because they think we’re The Enemy.
Did I ever tell y’all about the time, in July 2019, when I was driving home from work, and some Trump-humper in a Dodge Ram tried to run me off the road, followed me to a fireworks store, and said “fuck you, you fat slut!”, because I was driving in central Indiana in a Subaru, with a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker? Yeah, true story from the life of Pretend Mulling. That fat fuck (and yeah, he had no right to call me fat, when I could see the indent the steering wheel made in his beer gut) literally laughed in my face when he saw how scared I was. If I heard that guy died, you know what, I’d laugh. I’d laugh, and I’d be happy. One less dangerous Trumpet in the world. And I don’t care if you think I’m a bad person for saying that. I believe that peoples’ lives have value. I believe that politics aren’t worth killing for. They do not, and they take every opportunity to not just prove it, but shove it in your face and laugh at you for thinking they might.
There is no such thing as a decent Trumpet. There is no Trumpet who thinks your life is valuable or worth saving, unless you toe their line. And Trump himself would throw you to the wolves, just to hear you scream and your flesh being torn from your bones. If you think that’s not the case, then you’re not paying attention. That’s on you. Open your eyes, open your ears. Watch and listen. There are no hidden depths to Trump or his supporters; what you see is what you get. Every attempt you make at rationalizing or minimizing their behavior empowers them and endangers the rest of us.
Last updated July 14, 2024
Sam Bleeds Pinstripes! ⋅ July 14, 2024
You said it girl. A-fucking-men.
September's Mistress ⋅ July 14, 2024
Thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you. I hope this perspective opens others who thought just like me.
edna million ⋅ July 14, 2024
This is perfect 💕
Deleted user ⋅ July 14, 2024
FitLadyDi ⋅ July 14, 2024
It alarms me also that as he raised his fist in the air afterward he said "fight" three times. Thos will be taken to heart by his supporters.
mmoon7 ⋅ July 14, 2024
Exactly. He's causing real harm and violence. I don't feel bad at all. I'm not wishing death on him, but I didn't feel especially bad for him or his peps. I'm fully expecting another attempt. He's a weird and perverted man on a power trip. Look at how he speaks about immigrants fleeing violent situations. How he calls them names and accuses them of sexual crimes. So many people are dying or being kidnapped, including children. Yet he treats them as trash. Fuck him. There is no middle ground.
Neogy Titwhistle ⋅ July 14, 2024
A failed attempt at public service? Or a practice shot?
SilverStar46 Neogy Titwhistle ⋅ July 16, 2024
a minute before it happened, "secret service" ushered cameramen closer from behind the stage. They allowed him to stop for his shoes and picture ops instead of rushing him into the car.
The overweight 78 year old took HIMSELF to the ground while being shot at by a very visible sniper that people in the rally tried to tell the "secret service" about and they ignored.
Not to mention the smiles on all their faces in that "fight" picture.