Once a month... in These titles mean nothing.

  • July 28, 2024, 5:02 p.m.
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  • Public

I was thinking - there is a new month coming in three more days. We get to start over a little bit in a little bit.

I was thinking I might buy a hair product each month.

I was thinking I have enough groceries to last until the firsts of August.
I ‘think’ I’ve spent the following for groceries in the last few months -
May $505
June $445
July $538

I’m not ready to add up utilities yet - I don’t seem to have electricity (and internet) recorded yet.
May $319should sla
June $319
So I suppose July will be close to the same.

My miscellaneouses are pretty much beyond comprehension so I’ll just pretend they don’t exist.

Though .... in June I bought a new computer and paid my share of new gutters on the house - both expenses I did not have in July.

I actually don’t know why I’m playing this stupid game with myself. I have enough money. I think I have enough money. I might have enough money. I don’t care if I have enough money. So either of the fourteen ways in which it could matter, it does not matter.

So I had kind of a big weekend. suppose I should/slash could move on.

Here have a photo:

First a piece of serenity:

Then a new this year to me day lily:

I might have posted these before. They aren’t absolutely new pictures but they are newish.

I have another of Gracie and the corn crib and the Ice Cream Truck. It’s old of course and I really should look back through the last few entries to see if I put it here lately. I think I put it somewhere - X/Twitter maybe.

I had kind of a big weekend.

I went to a funeral and saw and talked to more people from various phases of my life than I had in a long long time. I can’t even tell you = well I could if I devoted myself to doing it - who they all where and what we talked about. It was massive though - in a variety of ways.
July is almost over but August is on its heels.

Wishes for happiness. For us all.

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