Veritas Ascendens in Current Events

  • July 19, 2024, 10:20 p.m.
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My therapist gave me the missing piece. They are just thoughts.

I explained that my mood disorders were missing in action for two weeks. Then they returned for two days. It made it easy to spot one of my triggers. It was political rhetoric. Religious rhetoric, this time. Any rhetoric can work. My mind gets fixated. I try to rumble with ideas and break them down. I get stuck on some. It’s a source of both pain and pleasure.

My therapist did most of the talking today. A weight was lifted when he made me have an epiphany. He made me realize that my thoughts were just that. They’re just thoughts. I can work with that. I am not thoughts, I have thoughts. I can add that to my list.

I am not a gender, I have a gender. I am not an ethnicity, I have an ethnicity. I am not same-sex attraction, I have same-sex attraction. I am not a legacy. I am not a caste, creed, or politics. I am not thoughts, I have thoughts. I am not feelings. I am not ideas. I am not memory. I am not beliefs.

He also inspired me to commit a hate crime. Crime does not exist in reality, I need to connect to that fact as well. There is an authority much higher than our government overlords. Reality is the legislator. We are all subject to it no matter what we believe. I study the word of God, which is somewhere we cannot reach. We cannot subvert it. It is written in the stars for us to find time and time again. Astrology = astro logos = Word of God and we are the word made flesh.

God is just energy at rest. My people knew this. Everything else is energy released. In this context, thoughts are not thoughts. They are everything. Everything is one consciousness experiencing itself. The way everything in our dreams is our consciousness experiencing itself. God does not have a religion. The antichrist does, to borrow a term. Religion just means To Bind Together. My relatives were stolen from their homes, and forced into the reeducation camps (soft language: residential schools) to become antichristians. We weren’t touched by God we were touched by priests. Thoughts are just thoughts, yes, but they can still be dangerous. We are corruptible. The human condition does not mean anything to its zealots. They cannot see humanity in those who do not have a place in their false view of the world. The antichrist wants to make this world formless. The knowledge of good and evil was the forbidden fruit. The original sin was trying to acquire it, not disobedience. These are two concepts with ends that can never meet. There is nothing whole and holy once you fracture your reality that way. Evil is just anti-life. It is not sin. Sin does not exist. It just means sink.

The Bible is just a book. I’m going to have a little ceremony with myself. I’m going to take one out of their books, literally. I’ll tear out the pages. These are just pages. These are just words that were written by men. Subverted as they are. It used to teach the truth. It is dripping in astrology. You can look at the list of Popes and see when the Vatican was hijacked. I’ll give a hint: a surname means surety-name. The enemy is still here and trying to bind us together under a new one-world religion, healthcare. (Germ theory is superstitious hocus pocus. Virus possession has never been proven.) The Bible is a science textbook turned weapon of mass destruction. It is a false idol. It was never history, it is our story. We are participating in so much priestcraft it is insane. Literally, it is psychosis. We are spiritualizing our own prison.

I’m not one to worship torturing devices but I have been searching for a silver cross neckless. It is the four cardinal points of the zodiac that the sun dies on. The medicine wheel. The only path to God is through Christ. Christ is just the oil in our spines. I want my spirit to guide me. A talisman may help. Tearing pages out of a book isn’t going to make up for the crimes against humanity that tore my family apart. It won’t bring my father back. The idea is to break the chains and get out of this bondage (we are in the bond age.) I have cultural karma to clean up. Legacy healing to do. The Bible is not inherently evil. The truth is hidden in allegory because they are not meant for those who cannot resonate with truth. They are the vile and profane. The truth can be found inside every religion and they all say that the truth needs to be hidden. We are in the underworld, this is where matter is dead. This is the lowest level of existence. Saturn rules this plane. We are the demons.

Matthew 13:10-11 (NIV):
“The disciples came to him and asked, ‘Why do you speak to the people in parables?’ He replied, ‘Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.’“

Mark 4:11-12 (NIV):
“He told them, ‘The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, “‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’“

We are in the age of Aquarius, this is the age when the truth returns. John the Baptist is Aquarius. The constellation loses its head below the equator every year. There is a lot of emphasis on this age because the age of Pisces is when we stop knowing and start believing. We hid the truth for us to find it again and carry on the work. In the book The Light of Egypt, the Bible is not an orphan its parentage is Egyptian, the author says that this is the age when we get the sixth ray species. People with true intuition will be coming through to lead us out of the dumb ages. Shamanism is contemporary. The Gurus, the lightworkers, the Shamas, the philosophers of today, will start the revolution that needs to be internalized.

I’m rambling. I’ll save that for my eBook/podcast. The scripture says 365 times to not be afraid. It is paralytic to our consciousness. We are weapons of mass creation but we are soul-trapped because we are stuck in the lowest level of thinking. We can’t even produce an original thought anymore. The root chakra. One of the seven seals. We serve the ego when it is supposed to be serving us. It is our saving grace in the end once we tame it. It is just software that is written in the body. That compulsive part of our psyche. The part that makes us intransigent. The blind spot in our consciousness that acts like sightedness. The self-serving little gremlin. Paul Levy calls it Wetiko. Demon, reptilian, carnal mind, the ego, it has many names. Nobody denies what it is. I feel tearing those pages out of that book will be a way to let myself know that these words cannot harm me. They’re not something to live in fear over.

Last updated July 20, 2024

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