short update in Second 1st

  • July 29, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
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So .... I would swear our loan officer has asked for every bit of financial information he can. We’ve been approved and there are still hoops to jump through. I just had to hop on to e-sign something.... Rocky will do the same when he get’s home.

Right now the closing date is unknown.... Willard (the loan officer) said he’s shooting for the 5th.... and the things we already signed say on or before the 9th. .... our new mattress is being delivered the 9th.

I’m tired of dealing with him in a big way. I am sick of every time I turn around he needs more paperwork. They literally needed me to send them proof that the credit card I bought my car with had been closed. Problem is.... though it’s paid off and I can prove that, we can’t close the card without closing the bank accounts and I can’t do that within a reasonable amount of time to even effect the decision to approve or whatever.... Rocky needs the account to stay open till November for his IRA or some such thing....

Jake has really been messing with my head a bit. He’s in the process of getting on disability for his PTSD, anxiety, deppression and other mental illnesses. His hearing is in September.... until then he has to report IF he’s working and how much he has made. It would be easier to stay with Doordash till then.... BUT.... he’s working with his mothers car… and can’t really move until he’s got a car of his own again....

but he can… if he got a job at the gas station a block away from the new house… but then that might jepordize his disability and it’s a horrible circle.... and I just want to get to see him more....

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