I Can Breathe Again -- Part 1 in The Past

  • Nov. 12, 2014, 3:42 a.m.
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These last few weeks have been definitely up and down and down and up. I really need to write more often, -chuckles- now I have a lot to catch you up on.

Referring back to my last entry:

I haven’t spoken to Roz again yet about the website. Still no idea on how I want the website done. I need to talk to her. On the plus side, I finally got a color and design idea for my garb… now I need to learn how to sew and do costumes. I might just see about going and trading with someone so I can get them to make me garb, but that’s me being lazy.

I haven’t talked to the lady in CA about her earrings in a while, but I’m going to talk to her after Hawks Holiday Happening, when I’ll have some money. Speaking of shows and whatnot… it’s been a busy like time. I put in for Duck the Malls but haven’t heard anything back from them. I also put in for both NorWesCon and SakuraCon. -chuckles- Both of them have accepted me, which is awesome, except for the fact that they’re both at the same time. I’m accepting the table for Sakura Con this year – I want to say that I’ve been there at least once, and it’s a huge, HUGE anime convention. Which means I need to make a bunch of cute things too. -ponders- It’ll be good. I know it will be. So my faire schedule will be:

December 6 – Hawks Holiday Happening
December 13 – Duck the Malls (Possibly)
January 2 - 4 – NewCon
February X (not yet announced) – Chibi Chibi Con
April 3 - 5 – SakuraCon

It’s a pretty full schedule for me, even though it doesn’t look like much. NewCon is a medium sized event, and SakuraCon is huge. There’s a bunch more groups and faires and such but I have to get a LOT more stock than what I have now.

The Skateland Party was a lot of fun. I skated for a while and spent the rest of the time working on maile and chatting with people. I find I’m not very talkative at events like those… there’s few people I really want to talk to and stuff. I need to get better at all that stuff. Everyone had fun, Davine got his first bit of skating in, he needs to loosen up and relax, but other than that, it’s all good.

Next… the date.


It was… It was horrible? I mean, I spent money we really didn’t have on a pizza I really didn’t like to eat with a guy who had all the personality of a loaf of wonderbread.

Let’s start at the beginning!

A day or two before the date Chad (Wonderbread) and I were talking and he mentioned that he hurt his foot somehow. I didn’t think anything about it till the day of the date. I show up a little early, wait outside the restaurant. He shows up, we go in and get seated at the bar. He starts looking around and remarking about how it’s changed in the year since he was in. Then he starts talking about the beer battered cheese fries and how much he loves them and blah blah blah. We look at the menus and there’s no cheese fries. He goes on a 10 minute ramble (not really a rant because there’s no force behind it) about how he loves the fries and wishes there were fries and on and on.

The waiter shows up and mentions that it’s happy hour and points out the happy hour prices. He leaves and I look at the happy hour menu, see that the buckets (5 kinds of rum and some juice… served in a little bucket like those you take to the beach to make sand castles with) are like, 3 dollars off their normal price. I comment on the price of the buckets and then he goes off on a 15 minute ramble about how he doesn’t drink when he’s out in public.

His reasoning: “Why should I pay 8 dollars for a drink that’d cost me less than 3 dollars to make when I’m at home?”

When I mentioned to him that the way I figure, the buckets are made with 5 rums… each fifth is about 20.00 in price, so it’d cost me an initial investment of 100.00 to make the bucket, without the price of the juice. If I was a heavier drinker than I am, it’d be worth it to buy all the booze to make them at home, but considering I have the bottle that I bought for my birthday 2 (maybe 3?) years ago, and there’s -maybe- 5 shots taken out of it, it’s not worth it.

He kept going on about it, and I told him that I was getting a beer, because I like beer, and at least when I’m out in public I know EXACTLY how much I drink, unlike when I’m with friends and somehow my cup keeps refilling itself.

The waiter came for our drink orders… I ordered a beer, he ordered a coke, and then went on to the waiter about how he didn’t see cheese fries on the menu. About 5 minutes of this later, the waiter offered to ask the cook to put cheese on the fries to shut him up, and after I thanked him profusely, he left. That left ordering the pizza.

I looked at Chad and asked him about what he wanted on his pizza, and that’s when he told me that he thinks he has gout and can’t have anything pork. Wait. Seriously? Let’s play the meat game!

Pepperoni… PORK
Sausage… PORK
BBQ Pulled Pork… PORK
Ham … PORK
Bacon… PORK

Yeah, there was like… only chicken that we could order on our pizza for meats. I like chicken on my pizza, but when I’m out at a pizza place, unless I’m in a weird mood, I want red sauce. Chicken doesn’t come on red sauce pizzas unless you specifically request it… and then it tastes weird. I offered for us to get our own tiny pizzas, but he didn’t want to do that, because of the cost, which is a valid concern, so I sucked it up and we got a chicken pizza with white sauce, spinach and roasted red peppers. It wasn’t bad at all, although the company was lacking.

We played a little at the arcade, which I sucked at, and then went in for the movie.

We saw the new Dracula movie, and it was good. He kept trying to crowd into my space so I kept moving away till he got the message.

Afterwards we talked for a bit while waiting for my mom to come pick me up (I called her, begging for her to come get me while he was in the bathroom, hehehe). That’s when the bombshell dropped… I mentioned that Mom was going to be picking me up on her way from Maili’s (my sister) only to find out that Chad used to work with Maili in Yelm.

I asked Maili about him later and her only comment was “You went out with Chadsky?!?!?! Then she doubled over, laughing till she peed herself.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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