We're fucked. **ETA*** Fuck the tankies, too. in Those Public Entries

  • July 21, 2024, 8:03 p.m.
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Biden is stepping aside and not seeking re-election.

I’m trying to find a positive in this, and I can’t. Kamala Harris is a fine choice for President, and I’m voting straight Democrat no matter what, but she’s a woman of color. Remember how many people were all “but women are too emotional to be President!” and “but her emails” about Hillary Clinton back in 2016? And that’s in spite of hundreds of hours of investigations proving that she didn’t do anything illegal. No, this time, we have a candidate who, if she shows even the merest hint of an emotion, is going to be slapped with the “Angry Black Woman” label (like women of color don’t have every right to be angry!), and the same “But Her Emails” crowd is going to flip and vote for the white guy.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Anyone on here from Sweden? Or Norway? Or Denmark? Australia? New Zealand? If you need a live-in maid, hit me up. Or an au pair? I’ll learn how to be good with kids!

Actual picture of the USA right now:

Dear tankies who are still “not voting”:

Your got your wish: “Genocide Joe” isn’t running for re-election anymore. And now you’re all up in arms over “Copmala”?

You people disgust me. Wanna know why? Because your tunnel vision on Palestine led you to conveniently ignore the fact that the Orange Shitgibbon said that Israel needs to “finish the job” and that, if re-elected, he’ll give them as many weapons as they want.

But of course, you’re against the Madame Vice President. Not only was she California’s Attorney General, and before that a prosecutor, but she married one of (((Da Joos))). That’s literally all I can find to support the idea that Kamala Harris supports Israel, is her husband being Jewish. If you don’t understand how that’s antisemitic, refer to this post. It’s literally number one on the list of “Are you an anti-semite”? (And if you ask me, there’s no “may well be” on this issue: If you hear “Jewish” and automatically think “Zionist” or “pro-Israel,” you are an antisemite, full stop. Don’t like it? Then stop being a fucking antisemite. I’m not here to reassure you that you’re not a bigot. That’s Joe Rogan’s job.)

So good fucking job, you single-issue voting turnips: If you don’t turn out for Kamala Harris (or whoever is nominated in Biden’s place), Palestine is doomed. And you get to keep feeling like the victim by proxy. Gurd jorb.

To any tankies reading this: If you want to know why people hate you right now, re-read what I just wrote. Keep reading it until it sinks it. It might take a while, but you’ll get it. Eventually. Maybe. Probably not, but I don’t care.

If you care at all about Palestine, vote blue. I don’t care if a moldy sock is the Democratic nominee, fucking vote for it. The alternative is Project 2025 and a crater where Palestine used to be.

Last updated July 21, 2024

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