In the Life Log - Day 117 in My Musings

  • July 12, 2024, 10:36 a.m.
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Today was another good day. I had about a little over 7 hours of sleep, and neither had weird dreams nor waves of sadness.

For the first few hours of my day, I decided to go to a number of government offices to handle some of my pre-employment requirements. The first area I went to, however, informed me that the daily quota of people they were accommodating reached its maximum. As a result, I had to look for another branch, which was more or less a 30 minute walk. Thankfully, I was able to accomplish what I had to do.

Work was once again.. non-existent; I did have a couple meetings but not much substantial updates so most of the afternoon was spent just waiting for the time to pass. A couple more weeks of this and I can finally be free.

I hit legs earlier, and surprisingly, the gym was not as packed as I expected. I still opted to take it easy - not going all out and stopping a few reps short of failure. Pump was decent; cardio was also a breeze.

It’s finally the weekend. Looking forward to get some rest and prep for my upcoming overseas trip.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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