11 sided dice lol in Second 1st

  • June 25, 2024, 9:32 p.m.
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I can’t even begin to tell you about my new life..... It feels so different… I have a lot of stuff to talk about .... We are watching some TV show with people acting the fool in court.... forgetting how authority works....

I’d realized it had been many days since I last posted… I don’t have a computer that is on all the time.... the motor in mine had gone out just before the move.... I have to put the laptop away after using it EVERYTIME .... because CATS.... as well as making sure its unplugged and tucked away so the everyone/thing is safe for the night......blah blah blah sever anxiety… overly conciderate.... doormat....

So I wake up around 4am … hang out on the bed and actually get up when I can no longer wait to pee.... then it’s a race .... Get my clothes and make it to the bathroom before I pee myself LMAO.... but also trying to wait till Dest goes to work 4:30… I check on Life 360 so that I don’t make her late. Cause that’s possible.... or her make me late .... though I’m early all the time…I start Doordash anytime 4:am -5:30am.... and work till $75 or $90 depending on how many days I plan on taking off and totalling $450 a week.

The proportions of who’s paying for what is getting back to normal. At 1 point I was paying everything and Rocky accumulated an unfair amount.... The first almost whole month I paid everything.... everything is finally at an amazingly manageable point.... There is $50k in the bank $27k of that needs to be a 15% down payment on a $180,000 house. We’ve won a bid.... second one we’ve won ......the first one when we got the inspection done it was found that the foundation had been repaired with some spray foam and that bean had evidence of rotting. We’ve looked at a few and had conversations .... now I move money … because no way is he getting away with what he did with buying a new game system without asking… telling… otherwise giving a hit....just bam… drop some $700 on a system and a new game.... no I don’t care which one it is.... still mad but just not giving him the opportunity to do something else.....before we have stability…
$792 for Nouget a month .... where she gets 2 hours of play a day (personal play time costing an extra 2.95 a day) but added to everyday cause Poor Nouget … ya know. Then $200 every other week for rent.... then old insurance $189 a month and of course phones $75… we are looking pretty in the bank…

Next we have a look at Rocky. I am proud of him for getting to work right away. He’s also been oddly receptive to me spending time with Jake. He is well aware of what we do. There have been cases in which Rocky seemed genuinely concerned and caring about something concerning Jake.

He’s made suggestions about mattresses and things when we finally have a house and move. Looking like the 23rd as long as it passes inspection......

Rocky’s home, we are still working on getting a license plate..... you need so much stuff here… renewal is based on birthday… so you need your birth cert. crazy! It’s a crazy mess.... he was just on the phone with some bologna about needing VINS and I was going to type them out from pictures but he was on my phone and he just sent them via email to the lady after being on phone with her for a moment. I just asked him to put the clothes in the dryer and he was all defensive. .... odd…

Spent last night at Jakes.... his mom had a sleep study last night. She’s borderline dementia and has needed his assistance lately with leg surgery’s involving a fall and a lawyer and life changing issues..... He is her only son. There are other dramatic factors like a very controlling Aunt who has said I made her uncomfortable and Destiny’s mom Gayle doesn’t want to go anywhere in which I will be somewhere when all of us are present.... “not condoning the behavior”

Life at the house is nice.... aside from all my stuff b being in the basement. We have moved on from the moving company after the second month of storage was $1400.... Our stuff is now in a local storage for $170 a month.....I have most of the things I need anyway.... aside from a more regular computer use. I have basically abandoned the store I was trying to start because I just don’t have time for it. I work and when I get home Dest is coming home soon.... I have been working on a diamond painting she’s been avoiding.

She’s been a marvelous host and I pray we don’t outstay our welcome. I think about that kinda stuff. Who’s turn is it have we done our share.... are we in the way.... how can I help.... everything turns out pretty great all in all .... That being said I can’t wait to move.... I don’t even care about the house itself..... I want Nouget back.... I want to work out a new normal.... a new schedule with Rocky and Jake leaving room for time with my bestie of course.

We are working through a pile of adventures that keeps growing… She’s doing SOMETHING whenever she’s off… and honestly it takes me a whole freakin week to recover but it’s working out okay. I’m eating well everywhere… unless I haven’t cooked it.... which is everytime.... but I’m managing salt and caffeine intake.... onions.... I’m doing okay… have only had like 2 real bad days since we got here.

I feel like this is a pretty good update… Things are generally going well.... and that’s how it is when you DON’T hear from me lol....

Also, if this seems a little wonky keep in mind… I have no real responsibilities this afternoon and work for the day is over and I’m in a legal pot state. Yeah, maybe it’s getting to be too often .... way more often than it was anyway.... but I’m still making sure life is all caught up and I’m being safe.... (no driving, don’t be acting the fool in public)

Rocky and I talked about getting the passport endorsement on out driver’s licences and starting to explore close areas of Canada..... Jake and I were talking earlier about getting tickets for a 36 hr train ride and enjoying a sleeping car.... Not the same LMAO

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