knowledge in poetry
- July 7, 2024, 2 p.m.
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- Public
knowledge isn’t power
knowledge is the opposite of power
knowledge is the antidote to power
power is everything
ugly and ignorant
about being a
human being
knowledge isn’t power
knowledge is how we tear down power
power is the lack of knowledge
people born into privilege
denying others the knowledge
that there are so many better ways
to run the world than allowing
idiots whose parents gave them
way too much stuff run the show
that’s why they want to
ban the books
close the schools
shove you all into
churches and temples and mosques
barefoot and pregnant
riding snowmobiles
instead of reading
because it doesn’t take much education
to realize that life doesn’t have to be cruel
all it takes is people being allowed to think
knowledge isn’t power
power is base cruelty
power is a world that never changes
so that the same dullards
can keep their boots on your throats
forever down the generations
knowledge isn’t power
but knowledge can destroy it
and God willing
I’ll get to see it happen
Squidobarnez ⋅ July 08, 2024