Don't Go Insane in I'm Just Snacking 2024

Revised: 07/08/2024 7:09 p.m.

  • July 7, 2024, 5 a.m.
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somewhere around 7 pm I guess

Jesus I want to write about way too many things but freeze when I try to pick “just one” topic/problem/daily whatever and don’t do a fucking thing at all.

HOWEVER! I do want to write about some odd shit that happened over the course of 48 hours or so.

As it was 4th of July weekend, I took care of Zo-Zo and Gilly as I’ve been doing for.. 4 years? I think? No. 5. it was before the plague.

I worked with both the husband and wife at different points in my life and they are pretty cool for humans.

When I first started dog sitting for them, they lived next door to Pam’s brother and sister in law. The place is smack in the middle of town, near Stone Hill Winery, on a decently busy street.

Their old house isn’t old Probably built in the 50s at the oldest, 70s at the newest. No horrible news stories about the property, no indigenous burial ground dug up. But holy fuck was that house ACTIVE. I got more hits in that house than even the Herzog mansion. I’d look for my pics and whatever but I’m lazy.

It wasn’t “bad” or “weird” in a weird way. Just busy and scattered. I compare it to the “8 year old shadow person” I deal with on occasion. Hyper and wants to have fun by knocking things over, laughing, then disappearing.

Anyhoo, they moved out to the country 2 years ago. The busy, “ADHD” psychic energy moved with them. Last year when I walked in for the first time, felt that familar buzzing I got at the old place, had my “ah-ha” moment, and settled in for my stay.

The activity is attached to the humans. Doesn’t matter if it’s a paranormal attachment, or just their own energies manifesting, it belongs to them, and unless something horrible happens, it’s just gonna be that way.

The only issue I have with it is that I NEVER sleep while I’m there. Maybe an hour or two during the night, naps if the dogs leave me alone during the day. I get annoyed, but it is what it is.

I haven’t been futzing around with anything psychic lately. my own energy is off, so I don’t try to do anything. I’d fuck it all up and pay the price.

But I felt very compelled to put on the ghost radar app the 5th/6th of July. First the damn app was just completely glitching then shutting itself off. Then it glitched and shut the phone off. I rarely have issues with that app but something’s been going on with my phone lately so I just figured that was the problem.

Turned it back on a few hours later and it gave me “Character, running, cat” I asked if I needed to check on the cats (meaning the two they have there) and it quickly said “no” then didn’t say anything else.

1:34 pm

My energy dipped while writing and shut my brain down pretty well, so here I am today to finish at least ONE FUCKING ENTRY this week.

When I got home Saturday eve, I brought what I could bring down with me to put away, or … just stick it in the corner so I wouldn’t trip over all the shit that I move around with me dog sitting.

One of my small reusable bags was on the floor by my cubby storage area. I don’t usually keep the bags over there, but you just never know with me. I would want to get it out of the way and put it on my head, then forget it was there (instant flash shot memory of “The Unknown Comic” dang. forgot about him) and just wear the damn thing for the rest of the day.

While the bag was flattened out, it wasn’t empty. it had photos, negatives, a couple of birthday cards, my parents’ marriage notice from the newspaper. All of these things I haven’t seen in I don’t know how long. I’m going to say well over a decade, and I admit the first thought that went through my head was that Pam was nosing around and left them there or something.

So I asked. She said no, and I believe her.

But where the fuck did they come from? How did they end up in that bag? A bag I use rather often? I know that I didn’t do it. There are a couple of pics in there I didn’t even know existed, so how would I have put them in the bag?

One of the photos is of me, looking decidedly sick laying on the couch with two cats cuddled on my chest. Tammy (who was actually a Tommy but we didn’t figure it out in time lol) and my “own” first cat, Churchill.

Are those the cats the Radar were talking about?

Are the family photos the characters it mentioned?

Was the pic of Ray Chouinard connected to the thing saying “running”? I mean, he was an awesome baseball player in high school.

Or maybe “Running” went with the pics of everyone and their cars down at Dead Horse Beach?

Yes, I know. I’m really stretching here, but it was all just very odd, y know?

Bleh. There’s more to this whatever it is, but I need to go check on the fawn.

See ya.

Last updated July 08, 2024

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