Tom Cruise is 62! in These titles mean nothing.

  • July 3, 2024, 9:33 a.m.
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  • Public

I’ve never been much of a fan, but I like him better than Brad Pitt.

Brad is 60 by the way.

But to be fair, here’s Brad.,vid:ucdRmjzPO1I,st:0

Stats according to Wiki Lists of awards and nominations for both actors.

Brad was nominated 78 times and won 53 - - 70%.

Tom was nominated 417 times and won 132 – 31%

I was going to find out how many movies each guy made and how much their movies grossed but it looked like more trouble than I wanted to go to right now. Maybe another time.

If you want to contribute a bit ----- what’s your favorite movie of either actor or of both?

By the way Brad’s birthday is December 18.

One more thing - as Columbo used to say -
Tom is a Cancer and Brad is a Sagittarius.

Last updated July 03, 2024

sadandlonelygirl July 03, 2024

Ahhh I've always been more a Leonardo DiCaprio person!

woman in the moon sadandlonelygirl ⋅ July 03, 2024

My son likes him. He says he never makes the same movie twice - meaning he isn't in those series movies.

sadandlonelygirl woman in the moon ⋅ July 05, 2024

Oooh interesting observation! Now I think it's cool that he likes trying out new things rather than maxing out a character. Not that the latter is bad, though!

A Pedestrian Wandering July 03, 2024

Based solely on a movie-enjoyment level I prefer Cruise to Pitt but agree the off-screen pulp makes Cruise seem off a smidge. I liked Cruise in War of the Worlds and Magnolia. As for Pitt, I liked him in Fight Club and Fury. But to be fair, I haven't been to the movies since the pandemic and saw very few films of either Cruise or Pitt before that.

Sugar Magnolia July 03, 2024

I absolutely cannot stand Tom Cruise. I am neutral on Brad Pitt.

NorthernSeeker July 03, 2024

I think Brad Pitt is a phenomenal actor...he has been in a lot of my favourite movies such as Snatch (playing a bare-knuckle boxer who is a gypsy) and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (playing a stunt man/personal assistant who crosses paths with the James Manson posse). Brad is smooth and likeable in all his roles and relatable in his interviews. Tom Cruise is strange and intense in movies and just plain weird in interviews.

Just Annie July 04, 2024

I like Brad Pitt over Tom Cruise as an actor. I don't think I could tolerate them for long as people. High maintenance, I'm sure.

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