DOMS Top in Current Events

  • June 26, 2024, 9:22 a.m.
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Everybody kept telling me to talk to my supervisor about doing light duties. I was too stubborn. It is obvious that I am in pain. What happened? Just leg day. I went too hard at the gym on Sunday. I didn’t think I did. I just do 8 reps, and 3 sets. I overload the weights, however. I leg press over 200 lbs. I’m just experiencing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). This is nothing like I have experienced before. My quads are so tight they feel crispy. I can’t bend down, I can’t do stairs or ladders. I can’t even handle my legs jiggling. I’m walking like a toddler who shit himself. Claudia told me to soak in Epson salt and it did wonders. Why didn’t I think of that?! However, now they’re throbbing. They feel hot and bothered. It’s not even a good throb. Pain is pleasure. I want a good leg rub real bad. I need to find me a Habibi.

It’s been almost a year since I started going to the gym. This was a big move for me because of my social anxiety. I don’t feel like I have anything to show for it. Maybe I am getting body dysmorphia? It’s super frustrating. I should be grateful. A million people would want my figure. If I am feeling like I am going crazy about it… then I must be expecting different results from doing the same things. I do low-volume high-intensity training. I have only been doing that for over a month. When I flex in the mirror, I can see a huge difference. It is my diet and recovery that I need to be looking at. I got ChatGPT to help me with my macros. It isn’t that hard. I don’t want to be counting my macros, however. That will lead to body dysmorphia.

I overthink everything. I made rules for myself about drinking because I refused to become an alcoholic. I created boundaries for myself when I started going to the gym. I don’t look at the pump. I don’t want to be a pump chaser. I don’t count macros. Fitness is 20% training and 80% diet. That is 100% of my time. Fitness is not my whole life. I do want bigger shoulders and pecs though, sue me.

Graham, the new rep at work, looks like he is in pain when he talks to me. I catch him staring, he catches me staring. This is a thing. Why does he have to be 13 years younger than me? In the gay world, it is socially acceptable to bang as many twinks as you want. That’s practically what they are there for. I don’t have it in me. I know myself. I will develop feelings and we know I don’t let myself do that. If Christian ever hits on me though, I am not strong enough to resist. Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Libra Rising. He is so sexy and doesn’t even know it. He has that fun, flirty, Libra personality which gives me mixed signals. Libra is my kryptonite. Do not smile at me! I’m not letting anything happen though. The age difference creeps me out. I guess I only have fat age-appropriate men left to choose from. I could date incognito. Graham thinks I’m his age, 25. One of the new hires there thought I was 22. She also called Avril Lavigne’s music classic rock which felt like a hate crime.

Another problem is that I do not get enough sleep. I have to fall asleep at 9:15 PM to get the right amount of sleep for muscle recovery. I’m up at 4:15 Am for work. They dropped my hours this week. It is making me nervous. I won’t have the headspace to do anything about it until Friday. I suspect that I will be asked to pick up hours. I will say yes.

I’m old and out of touch but not that old and out of touch. I know how to send mail. My dumbass had an epiphany today. I could print my tax return that isn’t Netfiling and mail it to CRA. I’m down $16 for activating StudioTax for no reason but it is what it is. I am ready for that tax refund now. I want this off my plate. I’m thinking about using it to buy a round trip to BC and visit my brother and my nephews. YOLO. Getting a car is on the top of my list, however. New car > new job. That’s the plan, essentially. I hope that the non-profit has that full-time position still available. Alex will let me know. It’s a gamble. That tax refund is going to be my buffer should I not get hired. I’ll be in a position where I will need to find a new gig, a full-time one. I’ll at least be mobile. My mother doesn’t understand that but it’s okay.

I have so much more time for my side quests with my shifts being cut. I’m trying not to panic at the reduced hours. What I really like is that I have a lot more time alone at home. Nothing against my roommate, I just like being alone whenever possible.

I have Leanne coming over for a movie night this Saturday. We are going to watch Saltburn. In our group chat, I suggested a day up north in a small town that has a beach and a harbor. I’m surprised we managed to set a date and make it work. We will plan our camping trips then as well. I’m still aiming to have a hot girl summer. Leanne and I are also going to have a beach day so we can look at attractive people. Mingers, they’re everywhere. I need eye candy.

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