Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin in Yet Another Human

  • Oct. 22, 2014, 9:17 a.m.
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The bible has a scene in Daniel, where god’s hand appears on the wall and it writes these words. It means “Weighed and found too light/lacking”. If god came back today he would say the same thing of this world, especially for many of those who claim to be his followers, in places of power. One of the first 10 commandments clearly said “Thou shalt not kill”. Now, thousands of years later, the killing still goes on, and even more unimaginably, in Jesus’s name.

Some in America seem to think that killing humans is just like a hunting party, you send bombs, drones, bullets, to weed out whoever is not suitable. This is clearly an old tactic. A human has an infinite capacity for learning and understanding and love. Even the enemy. And the feelings of hatred and revenge do not easily die. So isn’t it time for giving up the old tricks that don’t work?

The writing is on the wall, warmongers. There is no escape from the all-seeing eye of the global human consciousness. It is time for consistency. In my mind’s eye there is no limit what we can do, and that includes getting rid of old habits and replacing them with better ones.

Last updated October 22, 2014

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