Slow to get started in Yet Another Human

  • Feb. 13, 2014, 8:29 p.m.
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I claimed my diary name after jumping from the sinking Open Diary ship, but I have not been very eager to set up my diary. I have to process the OD's demise for a while I guess. I would love to get an ad free version of the Prosebox, right now it looks pretty hideous. But I also know that look and feel can be changed pretty quickly, the key is the content stays safe and sound, unlike on OD.. It is fun to look up old friends...

Peter_24601 February 13, 2014

Regardless of how it looks... it's running very smoothly, people are friendly and there is no Ashleigh.

Seems pretty sweet to me!


MissSapphire February 15, 2014

Hello There. :)

velvet February 16, 2014

yeah, I feel similar things - not quite ready to process the end of OD, not overly thrilled about the overall design of this place. havent really noticed ads or anything yet, so at least it isnt as bad as OD used to be with the ads. but glad to have friends here still. :)

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