Divide and conquer in Yet Another Human

  • Oct. 22, 2014, 10:22 a.m.
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Division of duties and roles has been a great way for the people in charge to accomplish their plans. Each person has a limited capacity for knowledge, so you pick your piece, train till you are good at it, and become part of the big plan, you are the cog in the wheel, hopefully the wheel of progress. It is also called the swarm intelligence, a swarm of bees can group together to become intelligent at fighting its enemies.

But humans have an infinite bandwidth for learning now, they do not need to just be cogs in the wheel. They can question anything and make sure that mankind’s highest ideals are realized. Why stick with the old misery of having to go to war and kill fellow humans, just because they are supposedly heretics, infidels, rich, whatever?

The problem of resources is not a reason for war. It has been proven that mankind’s intelligence can come up with alternative ways of doing things, especially when it becomes critical. Oil can now be exploited in shale rocks in the US, Australia etc where it was not possible before. You can make oil out of water and algae. You can get energy out of the sun. etc.

Religion is not a reason for war either. Each religion has a beautiful code for living, and if there is no need to fight over resources, see above, then there is no need to kill anyone with a different religion. Why use religion to program people to kill, with promises of paradise? That trick is so old school.

Divide and Conquer is obsolete. Everyone can think for themselves now.

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