In the Life Log - Days 98 to 100 in My Musings

  • June 25, 2024, 10:28 a.m.
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It’s been a while; we had an internet outage for the past 3 days and only returned a few hours earlier so I had to work at my place yesterday and today.

The past three days have been so-so. If anything, my main stressor was having no internet at home. Since our family residence is quite far-off from the main road, I had to take what’s called a tricycle (basically a motorcycle with an attachment to allow more people to ride in) and then take a cab thereafter. What’s really frustrating amidst all these is the telco provider being unable to provide a clear-cut resolution time. The initial forecast was supposed to be Sunday at 9 pm, which of course, got pushed and pushed further until earlier this afternoon.

Work yesterday and today were ok. I did have a bunch of meetings, but thankfully not to the same extent as last week’s. My final (internal) interview yesterday was received well (or so I hope) but not really going to expect. In addition, I had my 2nd level interview earlier for the external position I applied for; can’t say how well (or not well) it did but suffice to say I had more confidence and spontaneity compared to yesterday.

I hit chest + shoulders + triceps yesterday while back + biceps today. Workouts were decent enough. Again, not as solid compared to being in the gym but I’m starting to get a better mind-muscle connection from the resistance bands.

Tomorrow is already mid-week. I’m just hoping this momentum continues.

Average rating for the past 3 days: 8/10

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