In the Life Log - Day 96 in My Musings

  • June 21, 2024, 1:05 p.m.
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Today was a good day once again. I was able to complete 8 hours of sleep and didn’t feel groggy at all. I think I’m slowly getting used to sleeping and waking up earlier, although will have to see how the following days turn out.

I hit legs + calves earlier since it’s Friday. The session was really good, although I was sweating buckets once again from both the humidity and the pace of my session. Happy to say that I finally found a way to do standing leg curls using the resistance bands, although setting it up is a bit more challenging.

Work was more relaxed today; I spent a good two hours binging on a Korean drama that was recommended to me. It began to be a bit more busy again come around 3 pm (it’s already 9 pm as of this writing), and lasted for a couple hours. After that, it was pretty chill for me again.

I’m thankful that today was more quiet (and more sane). Given the past few days’ pacing, it sure is a welcome change. Just eyeing to get more rest this weekend as next week will surely be busy.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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