In the Life Log - Day 85 in My Musings

  • June 10, 2024, 10:15 a.m.
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Today was an ok day. I was able to sleep around 7 hours, if I remember correctly. I was so tired from last night that I was dozing off in the middle of my prayer. No weird dreams and the usual waves of sadness / panic attacks so all is well.

Work had me a bit busy again today. On top of some webinars that I had to accomplish, there were also a few meetings which I joined in. Thankfully, said meetings went pretty straightforward. Since our company has a wellness carnival of sorts, there was this session earlier that talked about optimizing one’s diet, which I found really neat.

The workout menu was composed of chest + shoulders + triceps. Training overall was decent, but still, nothing too spectacular compared to going to the gym. I was still sweating a lot, however, so I consider it a productive session.

Tomorrow (or rather, later) will be a bit more crazy, meetings-wise. Hope I can ride the wave.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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