In the Life Log - Day 84 in My Musings

  • June 9, 2024, 12:32 p.m.
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Today was a REALLY great day. Admittedly, I didn’t have the usual hours of sleep but I had no weird dreams, no waves of sadness, and no panic attacks.

I was out the entirety of the afternoon as I met up with an online friend whom I was speaking to for 2 months now. It was positive vibes all throughout as we finally got to talk about a number of things in-person. The conversations went really well to the extent that we parted ways about 10 pm already (we met at 1 pm). We also heard mass together, which was really nice.

Speaking of the mass, today’s homily focused on the first reading, which is Adam and Eve’s fall from grace. We are reminded of the 3 fundamental questions that God asked, namely: 1. where are you (our relationship with God)?, 2. who told you that you are naked (who do we listen to)?, and 3. why did you do such a thing (who we are is a result of our choices, and that we can only hold ourselves accountable)? Food for thought once again.

I look back today with a smile and carry on with excitement.

Overall rating for the day: 10/10

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