bimmer in Hi This is Kat!

  • June 10, 2024, 10:18 a.m.
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Today I am taking my BMW to get the A/C looked at and freon boosted.... Next Monday I am having all the tinting on my car removed and redone. I have one window where the tinting is cracking a bit… and finally the Monday after that I am having a head light replaced… Probably will be at least 1000 for the stupid head light.

Jo seems to be feeling much better! She is not sleeping as much and seems to be doing more! that is great news! I know it is a temporary thing but good days are worth be happy about for sure!

I ordered a few Japanese paper lanterns to put in the dinning room. Unsure which ones I will use… two are older looking in yellows and browns and the third one is in pink.

Jodie June 10, 2024

Glad Jo is doing more hope she continues.

theKat Jodie ⋅ June 10, 2024

I hope so too but decompensated cirrhosis life expectancy is about 2 years and she has already lived that long is not good

Jodie theKat ⋅ June 10, 2024

I think it couuld be a lot worse becasue there is always someone who is much worse least she is still above ground.

theKat Jodie ⋅ June 10, 2024

could not be a lot worse... she has probably only a few months left to live and she feels sick every day all day.

Jodie theKat ⋅ June 10, 2024

Well what I was getting at she could be long dead so she is very lucky to still be alive and doing what she can. And her being sick is all her fault and no one elses. I know you tried to get her to be better but she just doesn't care.

theKat Jodie ⋅ June 10, 2024

actually you can get cirrhosis by being over weight and smoking cigarettes too. just so you know. you could get ESLD and not know it until you are ill. so that would be your fault for not fixing your issues sooner too

Jodie theKat ⋅ June 10, 2024

I think the thing I am going to get that will kill me is heart disease and not anything else.

theKat Jodie ⋅ June 10, 2024

or lung cancer is high up there to but so is liver damage as smoking kills the liver just like drinking does

Jodie theKat ⋅ June 10, 2024

It doesn't matter what anyone does it will kill them anyways...As soon as the heart stops you are a gonner anyways....

theKat Jodie ⋅ June 10, 2024

I am sure that is Jo's motto too

Jodie theKat ⋅ June 10, 2024

Well it kind of has to be because it's the way it is...
Did you know that no matter what you have it's always the heart that will stop and that will be the cause of death and what ever the disease you had is the underlieng thing?

theKat Jodie ⋅ June 11, 2024

actually the first organ to shut down is always the digestive system.

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