Officially 44 in Torridaussity Two
- June 8, 2024, 9:51 a.m.
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Yesterday 6/7 I turned 44. I’m with my parents, we are in Chicago visiting my brother and soon to be sister in law. We drove this time and it was better for me than helping them in airports. We went out for delicious Chinese food last night to celebrate. I’m sorry I haven’t written in awhile, but things have been stagnant. Work is ok but tiring some days down right exhausting, financially trouble because my debt is greater than my income due to all the medical bills and im.cut down to 15 hours a week in the summer so I’m stressing greatly over that. I don’t know what im going to do.
I had my one year check up with my pulmonologist and it’s official my right diaphragm is not going to magically become unparalyzed and the scarring is permanent so I have pulmonary fibrosis. I figured that’s what he would say, but it still sucks to have it be official. Thankfully the fibrosis is not as bad as it could’ve been.
Dan and I will be together 4 years this August. He finally met my brother and soon to be sister in law. Things aren’t perfect, but the relationship as of now works well and he does make me happy. I do feel at times though that he will just one day walk away especially because of my health limitations. I am always thinking the worst in all things though so that’s normal for me.
My family is doing, pretty well but I can see my parents aging before my eyes and it sucks. My friends are great, but sometimes forget about me, they all have families and I’m the odd ball out. I still love them all.
Overall I’m ok, not great, but ok. I’m very thankful to get another year on this planet and hope that maybe this year things will be more normal than the last 2.
Take care all. I’m so far behind reading most of you and am sorry for that. Be well.
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