A made a new friend in Bittersweet

  • June 1, 2024, 12:56 a.m.
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For Months A has been playing non stop with this little girl up the road.
Then TWO days before school ends she tells me she needs 3 best friend necklaces. I said for you G and who? She names this other girl E. Ive never heard of this kid lol. Ever.
So grandma calls and invites A over. Shes like Ill come get her. I basically said. Hold up lady. I dont know you and I dont let my kids go with random people I dont know. She actually said she really appreciated that haha. We went over after I got off work to meet grandma. Grandma is LOADED. We pull up to this big ass adobe style house ( common in the ritzy neighborhoods here) Beautifully landscaped. An RV outside, ATV in the garage. Go through this beautiful house. Out back. To the huge inground pool. Massive pool house/shop, A heated pool. TWO cabanas. And landscaped to the 9s. Shes got a teen boy working in the yard and the kids are off in the pool.
Well now. I guess they have been BEST FRIENDS FOR LYFE for a while now. A has never mentioned her at all!!
After an hour, we had to leave to take Co to work and I had gotten more comfortable. A is begging to stay so I let her stay. Grandma called to tell me they ate Mac and Cheese and are in the house now. E stays with grandma while mom works. Mom actually lives off of my street about a half mile up the road. Grandma is about 8 minutes. Dude haha.

Im over here in my little ranch house trying to keep 6 junipers alive lmao. Lady had a house boat till it was too much work!

I made the BEST smoothie today. Literally best one ive made.
1 cup watermelon.
1 cup strawberries
1 cup blueberries
1 cup protein rich zero cal strawberry yogurt.
assorted seeds ( chia hemp flax)

The watermelon in it was AMAZING haha. I dont know Next time Ill throw a scoop of vanilla protein powder for an extra boost but technically I had about 60 g of protein before dinner so I feel ok about my intake today. My powder is 20 per scoop, plus 15 per yogurt and I had 3 today. I didn’t do too bad. Its almost dinner and Ill get 20-30 more in. Still coming in low for the day over all. But my steps are over 10K and I still have to take care of the garden.
Now if only i could stop my damn munching and loose some flipping weight. 20 lbs to go. It was 10. I gained 10 :(

Work is getting insane with the new EHR coming up. Registering as a behavioral health entity and dealing with some HUGE errors from BCBS who fucked up credentialing. They literally hosed all of Colorado’s behavioral health credentialing. Its a nightmare. For 6 months now. In any event i walked out ready to quit. I left an hr and a half early after making the shittiest contact ever and felt like the biggest piece of shit. My heart is too soft for the hard stuff. :(
Instead I took my kid to a rich ladies house to play in her pool and went grocery shopping for weekend noms....
I cant save everyone. I cant save everyone. I cant carry it all.

I can however die at the bum of a stabby murder obsession.

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Last updated June 01, 2024

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