February 2006 in 2000s

  • May 29, 2024, 6:25 p.m.
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It seems Tom’s right so far in saying that all those wins I expected to get in January should start coming in now since it usually takes a couple of months. Yes, I got two surprise wins in the mail today. One was 3 tubes of lip gloss; one clear, one pink, one red. The really cool win was the Scrubbing Bubbles shower cleaning system. You hook it on your shower pipe and the battery-operated rotator sprays out the cleanser after the last shower of each day. You put the bottle upside down in the thing and it pierces its cap so it can go through the sprayer. It came with 4 bottles and these bottles are of a pretty good size, too. Once you push the button, it beeps for 15 seconds to give you time to get out of the shower and close the curtain so it doesn’t spray you. This was a $40 value, and the lip glosses were $6.50 each.

Tom’s also a real hit with winning Pepsi contests. This is who he won the Xbox from. He won a $20 check. Every minute they’re giving away $20 checks, so I would’ve been surprised if he didn’t win one, even though we’ve barely entered a dozen codes so far. The ones that are inside the bottle caps of the Mountain Dews I’ve been getting, that is, since he doesn’t like Mountain Dew. They have a 5-check limit, so hopefully he’ll win more.

March should be a fun month shopping-wise with the mannequin, a Tonner, a Barbie, some clothes from a catalog we got, and the sex toys. At least I can have fun by myself if we’re not going to want to have fun with each other.

When I look into the near future, such as the next 6 months, a smile comes to my face when I think of all our shopping plans, and I look forward to it. When I think long-term, however, I just want to cry. Or scream. Or both. I feel like our only long-term choices are to stay here and freeze for many more years till we can come up with enough money to buy a rural house in Sacramento, or get out of here faster, but be stuck back in Phoenix, so to speak. Back in the midst of a chaotic, always rocking city. Unless I win big time, I see no way out of having to go through the thorns before we can get to the rose. Meaning, we’re going to have to start off in the city where we’re either attached to loud, rude and obnoxious neighbors or at least close enough to feel like we are before we can get out of the city if we’re even meant to be outside of it. I’m still afraid that even if we could make it back into a rural area, something up there would just yank us by the throats and drag us back to the city yet again.

All I can do for now is hope no one comes to run us out of here and that we leave this house when we’re ready to.

I’m also looking forward to ordering the mannequin less than a week from now! It’s so hard to believe that it’s actually going to finally become a reality! I’m glad, however, that I didn’t get one 5 years ago. Not just because of all the moving, but because they didn’t seem to have any for under $400, and the faces weren’t as nice as they are now.

I decided that not only will I never write to Paula again unless I hear from her, but no more letters to Mary either until she writes me. And I still have 20 pages of the book they returned to send to her, too. I’m just sick of the one-sided friendships and pen-pals. If Paula wasn’t going to send a few bucks towards her stuff, she could’ve at least sent a letter confirming the package. She’s just so damn selfish! Why are the simplest of things so damn hard for some people??? As for Mary, she only writes regularly when she’s got favors to ask of me, but since I put my foot down on that, I rarely hear from her. Some friends I’ve got, huh? Well, when and if I ever hear from them again I’ll wait a few months myself before I respond and let them wonder just what the hell’s up with me if they ever do such a thing.

It’s been Maricopa-windy today. I’ve never seen anything like it in Oregon until today. It’s cool to hear all the wind chimes going berserk. At least the snow is just about gone.

Tom assured me that abortion can’t become illegal and explained to me how Roe vs. Wade protects women’s rights, etc. The problem with this damn country is that it’s 80% Christian/Catholic, and most of them simply aren’t like Mary who will express their opinions but will still allow others to be who they are. She’s no conversion freak. Sometimes I wish we were in some other country. Most other countries are of other religions and they think it’s wrong to try to get others to convert. They let others be who/what they are. Yet other countries don’t have luxury items and do all the shopping we do. If there’s one way and one way only that I can relate to my so-called “fellow” Americans it’s that I’m just as materialistic. Hey, I love stuff! If I didn’t know any better I’d seriously believe Dureen O was anything but Jewish! That bitch sure was one hell of a pushy control freak, but that’s why I don’t associate with her on top of her negative, abusive, hypocritical ways. Perhaps she was Christian in her last life to have had such a be-like-me personality.

Meanwhile, people will continue to accept and praise people like our lovely little crap rapper stars that kill people more often than most of us pee. That’s not even real music or talent. They’re just not true artists. All they are is a bunch of glorified gangsters. No, “ganstas” since they can’t talk right.

I still don’t know what irks me more – those who go out of their way to be like others, or who go out of their way to be just the opposite. I know I can’t stand anyone other than gays, Asians and Indians. Priests and pastors and other church-associated people make me sick. When they aren’t busy preaching bigotry, they’re molesting children.

Tom says it’s just a test case and reminded me that South Dakota’s such a cold place where nobody goes but the religious whackos, and therefore you can do crazy things like this in places like that, but that there’ll be a backlash and the liberals will overthrow them soon enough and that most places would never do such a thing. Especially since Wade vs. Roe says it’s a crime to stop women from having abortions that aren’t late-term. He assured me that women won’t lose their rights. I hope not because if they started making abortion illegal in more and more places, women would eventually lose their rights to birth control too, and a whole lot of other rights.

I think if anything that it should be the other way around and that they should be ordering forced abortions and sterilizations for crackheads, violent criminals and abusive people like Doe & Tammy. I still don’t think it’s all about whether or not it’s murder. That’s part of it, yes, but I think it’s also about control. If people can influence other people’s lives, they will. So if they want to control people then they should consider preventing babies being born to the wrong people.

They should bomb SD and show them what can happen to those who try to mold others according to their standards. That’d really scare them and make them think twice!

Oh, to win 60 grand! I’d settle for that just fine. Since temporarily being “suspended” from life and being jobless/homeless is a scary experience I don’t want to go through again, we could use 10 grand to live on till we found a house in California. With that amount, we wouldn’t have to take the first thing that was quiet at the moment, but that wasn’t set on a stage for future chaos. Then we could take 20 grand to get into the house, 10 more to get whatever we wanted for the house, 10 more to get all the dolls I want and things like new clothes, and 10 more to get a silicone doll. If anything this would be more than we’d need.

If I thought seeing headlines about the havoc the damn Arabs wreak on people pisses me off, well, seeing the headline I just saw certainly made my blood boil, too. South Dakota’s governor is “inclined” to sign a bill banning all abortions unless it’s medically necessary to save the woman’s life. That is so, so wrong, unfair and cruel! What a slap in the face of women. And this setback comes after I just read a poll saying that two-thirds of Americans are pro-choice. They won’t even make exceptions for rape and incest victims which is even sicker. Although women may continue to be too stupid to use birth control against unwanted pregnancies, and men may continue to have no willpower or self-control as far as not cumming inside the woman goes, or not cumming at all for that matter, no woman should be forced to give birth. No woman. It’s wrong and I don’t care what anyone says. It’s wrong. Period.

They’re going to have a real mess on their hands, that’s for sure. Not only are they going to make the overpopulation problem worse, but unwanted babies will be abandoned on street corners like crazy, and women will be killing themselves trying to perform their own abortions. How the hell can some say abortion is murder when the fetus has zero awareness??? If a doctor who performs abortions is a murderer, then so is someone who pulls up weeds in their yard. Why are people so damn stupid and ignorant?! We have no conscience till after we’re born. This is why we can’t even remember being born. It burns me up to see women stripped of choices and of the right to have a say in what happens to their own bodies and lives. I thought we crawled out of the dark ages long ago. Women should decide whether or not they give birth, not the fucking government, Supreme Court, president or anyone else! What is it with all these men trying to tell women what they can/can’t do with their lives and bodies anyway? I’m sick of women having to do this or do that all because some cock says she has to. These damn cocks don’t own women! When they aren’t busy trying to prevent a woman from conceiving, they’re trying to keep her from aborting. Anything to control women. They bitch about the world in general getting too overpopulated yet they want to stop abortions. How fucking twisted people are. Mississippi’s trying to pass the same law and they already have fucked up abortion laws. Women are required to have counseling first. I’d never let anyone tell me I had to be counseled for something I chose to do with my own life/body. I’d be like, it’s my life, my body, I’ve already made up my mind, so get rid of it or I will! And I would, too. On the other hand, if I found out I was pregnant when it was too late to do something about it, I’d be more inclined to talk adoption so we could save money and have a life. Besides, you gotta be on days only.

We can’t all agree on every issue there is, so why must it be one side’s way or the other? Why can’t people just do what suits them best and quit trying to control others and make them into who/what they are? Why is the world so damn black and white?! I’m so sick of people trying to force their beliefs on others. Why can’t those who don’t want abortions simply not get them and why can’t those who do want them get them while they all just leave each other alone? If abortion is such a sin in God’s eyes, then why did he give us the knowledge of how to perform it? For God’s sake, fetuses aren’t even babies! That’s why they call them “fetuses.” During the first trimester, it’s merely an embryo. During the second it’s a fetus. Only during the last trimester does it literally become a baby, but it still has no feeling or awareness. Any legitimate doctor or scientist can vouch for that. Do you remember being in your mother’s womb? Do you remember being born?

I read the comments people left about the article and they agree with me. One person asked, “What if your daughter was raped, impregnated and living in SD?”

That’s a damn good question! What’s in store next for women? Will they get their rights to vote revoked? Will they be told their husbands/boyfriends have a right to beat them? Would you want to be told you can’t get that painful wisdom tooth pulled because it’s a sin to remove something God supposedly put there and therefore you should be forced to suffer instead?

Meanwhile, the women of SD will no doubt fight for their rights back and I’m sure they’ll win too, when the people see all the problems this ban will bring, not to mention any violence that could also come of it. Most men are for abortion since they don’t wish to be fathers, and I’m sure that most who are involved in trying to ban abortion do it just to control women.

And of course it goes the other way around, too. A woman shouldn’t be denied a child if she wants one unless she’s proven to have abused children in the past. She should be allowed to try artificial insemination or invitro if she wants one and no one will let her have one, or if she’s gay, or if she just wants to go it alone. If these methods don’t work, she should be allowed to adopt.

It was never people’s opinions that bothered me so much as their actions. I learned a long time ago that if I waste my time worrying about what others think I’d have a very hard life. I don’t care if they think abortion’s wrong. I don’t care if they think gays shouldn’t marry. I don’t care if they think blacks should have more rights. It’s when they try to run other people’s lives according to theirs that I have a problem. People seem to believe they can’t be themselves unless they get others to follow their ways. I wish people would just do their thing and leave others alone!

One has to wonder if this governor has some kind of a death wish or something. If I were governor I’d never sign a ban like that even if I wanted to because too many more people are for abortion rather than against it and I’d fear for my life and that of my family, but you know how it is. It’s those in politics and law enforcement that tend to think they’re invincible when in fact it’s the other way around. That’s just human arrogance for you. I’d be afraid to be a cop because I would have sense enough to know that no, I’m not God just because I had a badge, but vulnerable because people don’t like being told what to do. They sure love to tell others what to do, though.

These horrendously loud, vibrant car stereos. That’s what they should be banning!

Someone else also wrote, “Yet they keep the death penalty.”

Yeah, people wonder why is it that it’s ok to kill killers (and I agree it is), yet a crime to remove unwanted fetuses that haven’t an ounce of awareness? It’s like you’re not a true American if you don’t try to control the world. Better yet, you’re not a true human being. Maybe we should be just like everyone else and hound the legislature to do something about these ungodly car stereos. Then we can go eat in burger joints in peace and move about our homes without it sounding like someone’s beating a hammer against the walls and doors every few minutes or so. I just don’t understand why we have laws that shouldn’t exist and laws that should exist. Why do we have laws allowing legal discrimination of gays yet no laws to enable us to live in peace?

I got the two adult star action figures and while they are fairly nice, they’re just too damn small. It’s a good thing I never got those anime figures because I know I wouldn’t want anything just 4” small. Even Barbie’s a giant compared to these dolls. I’d still love to win more if I ever won one of the certificates in the monthly draws, but it’s not worth paying for any more of them.

During the week I was off the Claritin I jumped from 121 pounds to 125 and now I’m back down to 123.

Walmart finally realized they never charged us the $130 for the bed platform and so they did so the other day. It’s just our typical luck. We never get any breaks in life. Except for the coupon I just won in an instant win game for a free DiGiorno pizza.

Haven’t got shit yet as far as the surveys go, but am I surprised? No, of course not. I may be allowed to sell things every now and then, but I’m definitely not meant to generate money regularly.

I wonder how many more months or even years it’ll be before I don’t have to see words like Iran, Iraq, Muslims, the Middle East, and Arabs in the news. Damn, it gets old! Seeing headlines about the US aiding Iraq in rebuilding their fucking shrines really makes my blood boil! I’m so, so goddamn sick of our money going to other countries when there are plenty of people right here that need it more, such as people that are homeless and forced to live in motels cuz their well-to-do relatives don’t give a shit. Can the US really lack that much self-respect that it’s willing to aid countries that try to kill people??? Well, if people are willing to put up with abusive friends, family, and lovers, why not?

It hit the 50s today. I can tell by the amount of barking and stereos I’ve heard. Yes, the drive for attention is a strong one. Another one I can’t figure out.

The 3 houses for rent in this area are still going for $800. However, if she can stay put next door and whoever rents the house on the other side can live in it rather than in the yard in between, then I’m all for staying, assuming we really can control the bugs when they wake up because not many houses go for $450. Period. Not many houses are this small and cheap to heat either.

The Asian lady sold the store where we got the bamboo plants so we’ll have to hope these last. We could order them online if need be, but I’d rather these live awhile. They really do seem to help, though I still fear it’s just a matter of time before we’re back in the poorhouse, as usual.

After a very uncomfortable cold snap that lasted a few days, we’ve warmed up to the 40s, normal for this time of year. It was so damn cold at night, though, that I had to run the heater in the bedroom continually and I was still cold. Usually, I can turn it way down when I’m asleep and buried under the comforter.

Oh, the things people do to make a racket. Big city, small town, you can’t do shit in peace anywhere! We walked up to the burger place right by where he works and were all set to eat there, but I couldn’t stand to do so to the crash and boom of some rude bitch’s bass parked outside awaiting its order, so we walked back and ate here. If I asked this before, I’ll ask it again – how the hell can these things still be legal??? Anyway, their burgers and malts are so-so, but the deep-fried mushrooms sure were good.

I got my candy from Harry & David’s today. It’s delicious. Tom will like the chocolate mint candies and the chocolate truffles, but not the chocolate Bing cherries.

I have been a bit hungrier and more congested since stopping the Claritin, so I’ll resume taking it on Friday when he does the grocery shopping. It’ll be interesting to see if it has any renewed vigor after a week without it.

We signed me up for another free email account at mail.com which I’ll use mainly for survey invitations. I’m even doing some in Spanish. I have my doubts about it, though, because so many of them either only enter you in sweepstakes or give you points that you can redeem for money. However, it takes a zillion points and lots of time to rack up enough points to do so. Some will only pay you if you pay shipping charges to try samples.

Signing in at a miserable, bone-chilling, teeth-clattering 12º. I wish I didn’t mind apartment life! To go to an apartment in Sacramento would be easy as opposed to renting or buying a house there. It may be quiet and peaceful here, save for occasional car doors next door and car stereos, but it’s sooo cold! The insulation under the house is a joke because the bathroom floor feels like you’re walking on an ice-skating rink and of course sitting on the toilet is like sitting on a ring of ice.

That car left next door shortly after I spotted it and hasn’t returned since that I know of.

I crashed at 3 PM yesterday and woke up cold 6 hours later. I thought my heater broke but found that when I went to pee the light wouldn’t come on. Meanwhile, most of the other lights and outlets worked just fine. So I went into the kitchen and heard Tom out in the utility room. We not only got a few inches of snow and are unusually cold for this time of year, but the wind was so fierce that apparently, it blew the snow onto one of the fuses. Both porches were completely covered in snow which is something I’ve never seen before. I’ve seen only a corner of it get snowed on.

I’ve been running hot water in the bathroom and kitchen sinks to keep the pipes warm every hour.

If I thought January’s wins sucked, February’s sure have been even more of a bummer. Tom thinks it’s simply too soon for me to hear about any wins from December and January. I just got a coupon I won 6 months ago for a couple of bucks off string cheese. I didn’t even know I won it and it was sent to the Shasta address.

I hit a rather insulting IW earlier. I got all excited first when it said I won a $20 Mattel toy, but the so-called toy is just a stuffed animal of a hideous, distorted creature that I can’t believe it’s even worth that much. It’s worth more than the DVD which was another one of their instants. I’d rather that than this ugly creature. It’s from some modern cartoon.

I hope my candy gets here next week. Meanwhile, I’m surprised to say that I actually did get that iPod. I really thought they were full of shit! It’s just a cheap iPod that doesn’t even have a display. It’s the Shuffle. Tom thinks it’s cool, so he’s counting it as the last of the prizes I owe him. He’s going to sign me up this weekend at a survey site for my second to last prize. Then for my last prize which will be about 8 more porn dolls, assuming I like the two I’m getting next week, and I think I will, he’ll get them whenever it’s a good time to do so. Thanks to President’s Day, we’re looking at a wimpier check.

I can’t wait till we can turn off the heaters. Oh, the savings we’ll rack up then! But sadly, we’re still 3 months away from any warmth – argh!

Well, I’ve definitely decided that cones/sticks really are the best way to go. The warmer and burner are just too inconsistent, and like I said if it’s going to smoke anyway, it may as well do it in a more efficient way. I’ll just wash the doll’s clothes as they get dingy.

We haven’t had as much snow, but it’s been miserably cold. I had started to say a few months back that this winter was snowier, but warmer than last winter - no way! This winter didn’t get as cold temperature-wise, hitting down at 7 degrees versus -7 degrees like last year, but last year the average high was in the 40s and this year it’s been in the 30s or lower. We’ve had way more days this year where it didn’t even get over freezing. I hate it here! At least it’s quiet. And thank God for this wonderful bed setup and the air cleaner being so much louder than the fan! Never have I had such a good daytime sleeping aid. You know you do when UPS, FedEx, and the regular mailman can practically knock on your head yet you sleep right through it. The air cleaner sits on the shelf that’s attached to the bed frame, so it vibrates loudly.

I just went to dump the trash and saw a gray car parked next door that I don’t think I’ve seen before and I’m like - not again! I do not want two cars living over there. They’re asleep right now. She still does most of her coming and going from 11 PM - 3 AM. I assume this is to pick up her mail, get junk food, and visit with others on disability.

I was glad to hear Tom say that the orders at work are picking up once again. The busier he is, the less likely he is to get let go. They let people go like crazy there, so he says. I would hope that God wouldn’t allow this to happen after watching us suffer through enough hardships. If he got let go, sure we could survive till he got another job, but gone would be all our extra money. See, there’s what I hope for and there’s what I expect. I hope to either win big or for him to get a huge raise or partnership or both, but I still expect to be poor and in noisy environments for the most part. I want to go to California and warm up, but I don’t want to deal with the noise, yet at the same time, I want to stay in this cold little dump where it’s quieter and where we have extra money for fun stuff.

The new cage is great. Not too big, not too small, and definitely escape-proof! I wish I’d gotten this cage from the get-go.

I’m up two pounds since I had to go and make a pig of myself two days ago. I had over 2000 calories. I don’t know why I have days like that where I’m absolutely famished and nothing I eat satisfies me. Next time I’ll wish I could binge till I puke. That’ll disgust me enough to kill even my worst hunger pains.

Since the Claritin hasn’t been working as well, I’m going to take a week or so off from it, see how I do, then see if returning to it renews its kick after having gotten it out of my system. I just got too used to it.

I’m reading a Dean Koontz book. He’s one of the best writers ever. The only thing I don’t like about him is the way he glorifies blacks and Hispanics and makes them out to be hard-working people.

This weekend we’ll be signing me up at a survey site. I’ll be one hard-working woman so long as they send me the surveys to take. I’ll try to milk it for every penny I can!

Every time I drop another pound or two my body thinks it’s starving since we’re supposed to be overweight when we’re older, and it fights the weight loss by crying out for food. I was so, so hungry when I got up that I could’ve eaten 1200 calories in one sitting! It took 1600 calories to kill most of the hunger. It’ll take a week or so for my body to adjust to the new weight.

The store in Hawaii where I ordered the Yuki figures sent an email saying they had no idea when they were going to get it back in stock and to let them know if I wanted to cancel the order. Just the other day they said they expected them this week, so I said yeah, cancel the order. Meanwhile, everyone else charges more for them so I’m getting a couple of those adult film dolls from this site that has monthly drawings where you can make one free daily entry, plus get entries for every dollar you spend there.

Things are still going well, but they could be better. The orders at Tom’s job have slowed down tremendously, I’m sorry to say. It’s not looking good for a huge salary or partnership, but I kind of figured as much. I still think we’re destined to spend most of our lives poor and struggling in noisy places. I’m almost tempted to put off the California move till he retires because moving long-distance has always been such a disaster for us. For now, I’m just continuing to enjoy the money and peace because the peace part of it may very well be gone soon. The house diagonally across from us, which also has a huge side yard like next door, has apparently sold. At least I don’t think it’s a rental. The people moved out today. This means that the dog or dogs that are inevitably going to end up there will be quite an annoyance to have to listen to whether we stayed here or moved next door. The yard is pretty much between the two houses.

A light came on next door just before midnight. At that hour I doubt they’re showing the place. The owner must’ve decided to check things out, though wouldn’t that be the rental company’s job?

The package curse may’ve been lifted from me, but not from Tom, the poor guy. His packages are either late or the contents are broken. He was looking forward to upgrading and getting a new motherboard, along with a DVD burner and other parts, but the motherboard arrived DOA and it burned up a few parts of his. Fortunately, the company he ordered it from is going to pay for him to ship it back, send him a new one, and give him a little credit. It was still quite a nuisance for him. He couldn’t use the new computer he was building because of the bad motherboard, and he couldn’t use his old computer because of the parts that got damaged. Hopefully, he won’t be put out any more than he already has been.

The Claritin still suppresses my appetite most of the time. Perhaps this is why I woke up at a surprising 119 lbs!

I still wish I knew why my wins have slowed down. I had nearly 20 in December and just 8 in January.

Things aren’t looking too promising at work, Tom says. The orders just aren’t coming in as fast as he thought they would. Yeah, I’m not surprised. I still think we’re going to be poor and living in noisy places throughout most of our lives. Why whatever’s up there has been so kind to us since moving beats me. I guess it thinks that even Tom and Jodi S need and deserve a break every now and then. But how long will it last? See, that’s the scary side to doing well; fearing you’ll get kicked back down. Especially since you’ve already been kicked down so many times before. There’s even a scary side to accumulating all the stuff we have and that’s knowing that we now have more stuff to lose, should we ever succeed in doing so like we nearly did when we first got here.

At least we know that if they fired him right now, the stuff we could sell on eBay would cushion us for a while, plus he’d get unemployment for a few months. Still, I’d rather continue to move ahead in life, not up and down and up and down like a damn yo-yo.

If there were two things I wish I could make myself do, it wouldn’t only be to keep a schedule but to love noise, too. We could buy a California house in two years if I did love noise. After I got the things on my list, we could put non-necessities in storage, then rent a room or a studio for $300 a month with everything included. We’d stop buying non-necessities altogether. Since he takes home two grand a month, we could put a grand a month towards the house, then set aside whatever was leftover from the other grand to use for fun shopping once we got into the house. If we did this for two years, we’d have enough money, and by then I could get current on whatever dolls came out along the way. I just want to get “home” in a rural place and have at least $100 a month for fun. It’s still hard to believe this will ever happen. Right now it’s looking like we’ll be city renters indefinitely.

In case I didn’t yet mention it, I managed to kill the cold within a few hours. It’s amazing yet weird how my body spits out the colds that try to set in. Is it really me doing it? Or is it something else?

Now if only my ear wouldn’t be under pressure half the time. I could live with the popping which I have 98% of the time, but the pressure really gets annoying. We still don’t think they’re connected. Tom agrees there’s nothing serious going on, but he thinks it could be sensitivity around the area where the frame was or migraines which can also affect vision. I don’t know what it is and I’m sick of trying to figure it out!

To my surprise, Webshots pulled a picture of me as a toddler in a bathing suit, saying they had to remove children that showed either partial or total nudity. But a bathing suit??? There are lots of community photos of children in bathing suits.

Got two surprise wins in the mail today. One is probably going to be useless to us. It’s six $400-off vouchers for 6 different items, mostly electronics. As Tom said, it’d be a good deal if the merchandise wasn’t so outdated and it was stuff we really needed.

The other win was a little better. It was the Cowgirl Chicks prize pack. That included 5 CDs, a sticker, a signed card by Trish Lynn, a battery-operated mini fan, 3 small pouches of cowboy Cajun seasoning (yuck), a hat, a pen, and best of all, a tin of peanut brittle. I thought these were country singers at first, but I guess they’re somehow involved in the rodeo.

We also played our last private sweeps, and both ended up winning in the end. He won a wheel and some other item he hasn’t decided and chosen yet. Me, I decided to postpone the armatures and have him get me those adult film star dolls for my last two wins, and of course he’s going to get me going with the survey membership thing, too. He just wants to wait till March when there’ll be less snow (I hope!) to make it easier to cash any checks I may get. I just hope my only choice in getting them cashed won’t be check-cashing places, because then I’d have to lose quite a bit of each check, and well, I’d be working for them, too! Nothing’s as old to me as doing for others and having them profit from me.

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll like the porn star dolls. They’re the same thing as the playboys, only smaller and with molded hair.

The six 4” anime figures are on their way. They’re in rather suggestive poses, too. Much more so than the porn dolls because the porn dolls just stand in different positions. Yuki, the anime character, lays on her back in one figure, is crouched in a couple of them, though differently, is standing in one, is on all fours in another, and sits in an exercise position in one like she’s doing side stretches. She wears different molded outfits in each one, lingerie, underwear, a dress, a bikini, leather, and a bunny costume.

The really cool thing about the store I’m getting the porn dolls at is that they have daily sweeps! Plus, you get an entry for every dollar you spend at the store.

I’m getting more and more excited as Ashley’s order draws closer. Just 27 days to go! Gosh, life is one big countdown, isn’t it?

We also ordered the new rat cage earlier in the evening.

I guess evil may be on its way to being born because I saw a baby spider the other day. Also, it’s been warmer, up in the 50s.

I told Tom enough is enough of the sex talk because that’s all it is - talk. Neither of us is interested. Period. So why bother talking about something our hearts simply aren’t in?

On top of the usual ear discomfort and even feeling like I have a slight cold, the weather is terrible. We have more snow than ever! The snow’s up to the center of the wheels on Tom’s bike and we haven’t seen the grass for two months now. Just when it starts to melt, we get dumped with more.

I went out to shovel the walkway and noticed our dumpster was gone. I have no idea where it could’ve disappeared.

At least I am adapting back to cold climates rather quickly, as much as I hate them. The body has memory, so it could adapt back faster to what it knew for its first 26 years, whereas it took me 5 years or so to adapt to the desert. As quiet as it is, it still sucks that we still have another 4 months of cold weather!

Although my cold-like symptoms are very subtle, I’m determined not to let it settle in like I’ve been doing for 9 years now.

Instead of buying a new body pillow, I slit one end of the case open and plumped it back up by stuffing bits and pieces of foam I cut up. It was an all-day job that caused blistering on my finger from sitting there snipping foam for so many hours, but well worth the effort.

I got a letter from Mary a couple of days ago, but could Paula do the simple task of sending me a quick note to let me know she got the package? Of course not! And I even enclosed an envelope with a rat stamp on it so I could see what it looked like canceled out. Why are the simplest of tasks so hard for some people? God, I’d hate to try asking for something difficult! Anyway, Mary still doesn’t know when she’s getting out but hopes it’s soon. I have to wonder if they’ve been leveling with her. She says they can’t keep her there for more than 3 years. But is this really true? Or is it only what they tell her?

Got a reply from Backpacker, the people I won the DVD from that they want notarized. They say that while Backpacker doesn’t require the affy, their legal department does. Know what I think the case really is? I think the affy is just a clever way of hoping most winners won’t want to bother so that they don’t lose as many prizes. Same with the lotto Tom won.

We’ve decided to stay put at least until August. We both agree we really, really enjoy the extra money we get here and would especially enjoy the savings not running the heat would bring. I could get most of the stuff on my list! Besides Tonners and Barbies, there are these 7½” adult porn star action figures that are as realistic as the playboys. This is because they’re not sculpted but created by way of digital laser imaging scans. They’re exact replicas of their bodies, only scaled down much smaller. They’re pretty neat and while they don’t come with rooted hair, they have removable outfits. Their arms are jointed at the shoulders like Barbie’s, but they can’t move their heads or legs. There are also these Anime things made after some cartoon character named Yuki. The face isn’t as realistic, but the body is. There’s a set of 6 4” figures in different poses for $30. The average 7½” action figure runs between $15 - $35, depending on how intricate it is and the outfit.

I can’t imagine this being the case, but if next door is still empty come August, they’re going to be getting both desperate and worried, so that’s when we’ll jump in and try to get a deal. If not, I just hope no kids move in there if we don’t get the place! Or that if they do they’re either babies or teenagers. Anything in between that will call for many screaming fits in the yard, so I’d rather them be too young to play out there or at least old enough to be somewhat civilized.

Meanwhile, where are all these win notices I was so sure I’d be bombarded with after the first of the year???

The abortion rights people and pro-life activists are still duking it out. I still can’t understand the need for birth control or abortions. I’m not a man so I can’t understand how they feel or why they need to do their getting off inside the woman. I mean, if they’ve absolutely got to cum, can’t they do it in other ways other than inside the woman?

I was surprised to see a dog peering out the living room window of the house across the street 3 days in a row. I was surprised because it was not only indoors, but I don’t believe I’ve ever heard it. I really think the people who were blasting music over there when we first moved in have moved out. This would explain the reason I saw people bringing in all that stuff, including a washer and dryer. I just hope they don’t stick the dog outside all day when it warms up. The fences of many of the houses in the west wrap around to the front corners of the houses and so people going down the street would stir it up. There’s no way to keep it confined in the back of the house only.
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Last updated July 18, 2024

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