February 1990 in 1990s

  • May 29, 2024, 1:16 p.m.
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Last night I had a pretty good night with Andy at Denny’s, and Andy’s got a great possibility of being rehired now that Crosby’s gone. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be rehired, but I sure could use just 2-3 nights a week so I’m not always so broke and could afford to shop here and there and to go to the beach this summer.

Andy doesn’t want to be friends anymore with Fran and Tracy cuz he’s just as sick of their lies as I am. They tell lie after lie, and Fran stirs up so much trouble for me and Andy, and Tracy lets him cuz she’s so afraid of what this guy Mike, who she claims is the greatest guy, is gonna say or do to Tracy when Fran repeats things Andy or I tell Fran. It’s all such petty bullshit. Neither Andy or I need or want any hassles from people who are so screwed up and lie, and Tracy’s a major con artist. We don’t hate them at all, though, and I’ll just continue to be friendly if they call. I can relate to them somewhat, of course, cuz I was once as fucked up as they are, but Andy and I are not gonna put up with any hassles, and we’re certainly not gonna keep running round and round in circles with them forever. That’s for damn sure.

I’m gonna go get a bite to eat, cuz once again I feel slightly feverish and on the verge of a cold cuz of these extreme temperature changes that never quit.

Before I get to the most important things I want to write about, I have some things to say about Fran and Tracy. They are so Goddamn unpredictable! One minute they’re all lovey-dovey, then next they’re one fucking explosion! A few weeks back, Fran was off his rocker big time, and I mean big time. He could not take the slightest joke or tease. He’d scream at Andy or Tracy or whoever about such petty bullshit. I’m not sure if it had to do with the fact that he was off his medication or just tired, but sure enough, just as things were going pretty well between me, Mom, and Dad, Fran had to go and fuck it all up. He called down there saying I was prank-calling him, and of course, Ma believed him. Andy told good old Dureen all about Fran to defend me, and he also spoke to Tammy. Even so, the bitch wouldn’t speak to me for a few weeks, and when I called there she was rude, saying things to Dad in the background, so finally I just took the blame and said it was all my fault to make things easier, but Kacey said I should’ve never done that and that she’d never do that.

Last night I had a blast! I mean, I had the time of my life with Andy and Tracy. First, we went to Denny’s and were waited on by Sue and we saw Jayke. A few nights ago we went there too, and saw Bonnie.

Then after that, we went to Nervous’s. At first, we were slightly obnoxious, then Tracy got him alone in the bathroom to try to con some money out of him, but it didn’t work cuz he has no money right now cuz he just finished paying his rent. He’s working now at Feinstein’s Leather with a guy named Dick S. I went to school with his daughter Jamie.

So anyway, Tracy’s a great con artist. She’s from Philly which she has to go back to tonight cuz she has a court case dealing with a woman she conned into giving her her bank card and PIN. Guess she stole a few hundred bucks from her. It took Andy and I a little time to trust her, but we now know for sure she’d never fuck us over. Not the people she really cares about. Only the suckers like Nervous.

While she was in the bathroom with Nervo, me and Andy went through his stuff and Andy re-arranged the pictures on his walls, then stuffed one of them under his loveseat. I wonder if he found it yet. Then, Andy went to open one of his desk drawers and it went crashing to the floor. Nervous came flying out of the bathroom like a bat out of hell and then kicked both me and Andy out saying we broke his drawer which is true. Well, actually, Andy did. I was nowhere near the drawer, but it was so fucking funny! Andy was trying to blame it on Sasha, saying she got scared and jumped under the desk and he was just trying to help her, and I’m thinking to myself, “What a great excuse, M.”

So while Tracy was still up talking with Nervo, me and Andy were going through some papers we took in the car, but it was complete junk. I still haven’t found anything yet like phone bills with long-distance numbers on them. Only statements to remind him of how much he owes, but he says that by the end of the month, he’ll have a phone again, which I won’t believe till I see this happen.

Kacey’s home. Bye.

This week Kacey’s shift is midnight-8am, and I’ve been at her place all night after we had a romantic dinner by candlelight of fettuccini noodles, London broil steak, sautéed mushrooms, and baked scallops. Then after that, we took a bath together, also by candlelight.

“For once the romance hasn’t been wasted,” she said. As mature and as decent as she is, she’s had her share of jerks, too. In fact, due to our only getting jerks for so long, we broke up for a few days out of pure fear and shock. We just caught each other totally off guard.

Suddenly, though, all of my fantasies are coming true! Everything I’ve always wanted to do or the person to be like in my fantasies has come true and is here in this woman! It totally blows my mind. And I am very attracted to her sexually. She’s proportioned beautifully, has beautiful hair, does her makeup nicely, and has the attitude, maturity, and stability I’ve always wanted. My background and music are no problem at all.

She’s had some problems with her family too, as a kid, and her two best friends Jules and Cathy, who are lovers, work in a group home for adults. Jules and Cathy look like typical lesbians but seem super nice.

Kacey’s the type that you feel so relaxed with and like you can just be your fucking self, she’s very understanding of all kinds of people and a great judge of character like I am, but you’re out of her life if you fuck her over. She knows I would never do that to her and I feel she’d never do that to me either.

Tomorrow I’ll write more and God knows I’ve got tons of shit to write about which is both good and bad, but mainly good for once. It’s about Andy, Jessie, my family, more about Kacey, and this 38-year-old, wild but funny woman named Tracy. And Fran and Nervous, of course.
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Last updated June 07, 2024

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