what Kat Knows... in Hi This is Kat!
- May 29, 2024, 12:23 a.m.
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I now know that Jo probably cannot get on disability or at least not right now… it would take several years and well… Jo does not have several years! Looks like until I get her off her but and get her taxes done she will not have insurance!
I wish I could talk her into going to the doctor to at least have her blood checked but SHE is stubborn and I cannot do anything as long as she says no. My power of attorney is only if she cannot make those decisions. makes me sad and worried.
So I guess now I will try to get her SS started for her at least she will have a little money coming in
raeven ⋅ May 28, 2024
Good luck. I had to have someone fly in and stay with me for a month in order to apply for SSDI. It is a very long, horrific process. Sometimes, states have aid that is a little easier to get. I was able to get Cash assistance from the state of NH about 6 months before my disability was approved. You will need to be in the same room with her if you plan on making phone calls to obtain medical records, so she can permit for you to talk to the, although your POA might make that unnecessary.
theKat raeven ⋅ May 28, 2024
I have a total power of attorney in her medical and finance and can get her medical records and I have done that. but she also has a free will to not comply and she won't go to hospital
queenofegypt ⋅ May 28, 2024
Good luck. 💜
Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
I thought she has more then enough money? Why does she need these things if she can already afford them?
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
because smart people protect their money with insurance. because you can go thru a lot of money with no insurance
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 28, 2024
I know that so you would think that she would do everything possible to have insurance and get disability as fast as she can. And why didn't she start the process 2 years ago when she wasn't so bad?
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
easy to judge why people don't do things... mentally she is weak and she puts everything off... I used to look at very heavy people and think why in the world did they not lose weight when they were only 20 pounds over weight to get healthy... it is just not that easy. I have always been her personally secretary so to say. she has never cared about things like that. she was getting a 750,000 life insurance for her father's death but had 60 days to file it. She just would not do it. I finally made he sit down at my house to answer all the questions and I got the death cert. and I filed the claim for her. it is crazy but that is also one of the reasons she is leaving me money because it does not matter to her
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 28, 2024
Question? Why can't you get the paper work started and just get her to sign it?
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
she has to get the paperwork as she has to prove who she is
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 28, 2024
Well can't you get a written aitherization from her since you are her poa? If she won't apply for diability then what makes you think she wants SS?
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
who does not want 1500 to 3000 a month from SS
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 28, 2024
I know I would want that but I don't qualify. And if Jo drags her feet any longer she won't get it either. Why didn't she get this the day she lost her job?
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 28, 2024
it is social security she can get it any time after 62... no matter what
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 28, 2024
That is fast...we have to wait till we are 65 to get the full amount and if we want less we can get it at 60. But the money is from our canadian pension Plan.
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 29, 2024
the money is from our social security and you can get it as early as 62 and one month at a lesser amount. probably very similar. unsure if the amounts are similar or not. ours vary depend ending on how much you earned and when you take it.
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 29, 2024
How much of a pay check goes into SS? This year we are paying 5.9 % into CPP. And then besides that we get something called Old age pension and if we want we can keep our exteneded medicle and dentle so there is no worring who will cover us and of course we all get MSP as a basic medicle.
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 29, 2024
I have no clue? I believe most people get between 2000 to 5000 a month plus free medical after 65. my husbands old company covers our medical for life so we do not deal with a lot of that. I do not believe you would get any SS because you had not worked enough if you lived here
Jodie theKat ⋅ May 29, 2024
I know.
theKat Jodie ⋅ May 29, 2024
but disability would help not as much money but it helps