In the Life Log - Day 66 in My Musings

  • May 22, 2024, 8:46 a.m.
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Today was yet another normal and uneventful day. Not that I’m complaining; after all, there were no instances of bad dreams and no signs of panic attacks/waves of sadness too. It’s just that everything is a bit too normal that I’d love some activity to happen.

Work was non-existent as always. Aside from having connectivity issues due to our company’s security software, there was really nothing to do. I decided to do some errands in the mall while keeping MS Teams and email running on my mobile just so I don’t lose track of whatever request that could possibly come my way. It was a nice change of pace, and wouldn’t have expected to spend some leisurely time in the mall while on shift.

I hit the gym about 2 hours ago to do my cardio. The gym was not crowded so I was able to easily get a cardio machine of my choice i.e., the stationary bike. Time flew a bit faster than usual, and I didn’t feel exhausted.

With the mid-week finally over, I’m looking for a bit more excitement in the next two days. I do have my internal interview tomorrow so I hope that will go well.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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