Central Texas Tornado! in Thoughts on thoughts

  • May 23, 2024, 12:13 p.m.
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I guess I can officially say this would be the first time I’ve experienced being in an actual tornado! I’ve seen them and been close but this time was just terrifying to say the least! I was fine knowing there was one, hoping like usual that no one got hurt because even though tornados are very cool to see they are also very powerful. When the sirens went off that was the first sign of probably should stop making dinner and watch the news. Then when I was talking to my sister on the phone and she couldn’t hear me because the signal was so bad was a second sign. The sirens would NOT stop and all the sudden there was a POP! and power line went out down the street… suddenly there was so much wind and hail and rain and all that stuff. I pulled my dogs into the bedroom with me and I sat in the closet.. husband, stayed in the front room watching the action from the front door… me terrified, him.. calm as ever. But he’s from here, he’s experienced it, I THOUGHT I had.. I was wrong.. but now I know what to look for next time!

nthaniel May 23, 2024

I also live in Central Texas, so I guess we do kind of get used to it, after a while. I'm sorry it was so stressful for you.

Gypsea Surfer May 23, 2024

Glad you're safe! I'm in FL and use to the hurricanes. But still am cautious with them. Tornadoes sound all the more terrifying!

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