I Was Late For Work This Morning! in BAH HUMBUG!

  • May 18, 2024, 9:02 p.m.
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VERY rare for me!

I’d had another rough night with menopause, or as I call it, pesterpause! Up and down in the night needing the loo and drinks, utterly knackered!

I’d again got up about 5:20am for the loo basically sleepwalking then crashed back to bed knowing I needed to be up at 6:30am to be at work for 7:30. I’m always really good at time keeping as I’ve been doing this job for years so even though I keep my eye on the time on my mobile, my natural clock wakes me up in time anyway ....

Except this morning!

I woke up slightly hearing a strange noise but being still 3/4 asleep I couldn’t work out what it was, then I realized our little cat was on the floor beside my side of the bed having a coughing fit so I got out and stood over her to rub her little throat to help her and to talk to her calmly then realized what time it was … 8:40!

I continued to help her until she was OK then I rushed into the livingroom to feed the fish, then fed out cat and cleaned out her litter tray, quickly washed my blood pressure pills down with cold milk and hurriedly dressed. I didn’t have time for a shower so just sprayed myself silly with perfumes and body sprays, walked downstairs. We live in the attic flat 4 floors above our shop. I started opening up about 9:20 instead of 7:30!

We’re full-time self-employed with our own business so quickly apologized to hubby, who thought my lateness was hilarious and quickly opened up! HA!

But tomorrow, Sunday 19th we’re off duty, I just have to do the monthly business accounts which will take a couple of hours in the morning but other than that, it’s no problem having a well needed lay-in if I have another rough night!

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