A realistic view of some people as the living dead in Reflection’s

  • May 19, 2024, 3:45 p.m.
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Yesterday I got news about a former coworker being sent home from the hospital to die because there is nothing more the doctors could do to help him. The same thing happened with my mother and to me that makes someone quite morbidly, the living dead. They are dying and soon dead. I think that when someone is sent home to die from the hospital or put into hospice care people often think of them as being dead. Yes, you are going to die very soon and we think of you in past tense as living. I’ve realize that with my father, mother and former coworker. I think of them living in a past tense way of speaking.

Stretching it even more I suppose that someone condemned to die with no way of reprieve is thought of the same way. I think if I become terminally ill people would think of me as being alive and living in the past tense. Once condemned to die or condemned to die through disease in my view, people think of them as the living people in a past tense way already dead and so we talk about them only as they were in their past. Because their future has essentially ended once a doctor tells them there is no hope of a cure or they are sentenced to die. No future as a living being and only death as a very short future.

Yeah, I know that was some very, very dark shit but the idea came to me today.

Last updated May 19, 2024

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