In the Life Log - Day 62 in My Musings

  • May 18, 2024, 11:49 a.m.
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Today was a very light day. I woke up past 12nn since I already got to sleep 4 a.m. No weird dreams or anything of the sort, but boy, do I feel the tiredness from the leg workout.

For the most part of the afternoon, I continued watching the kdrama that was recommended to me. I was able to watch 4 so far, leaving me 3 more to go. I also went to the mall earlier since my shoes were already available for pickup. I decided to go to mass as well; the Gospel was about the Pentecost - the event wherein the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles. The homily was very relevant, as always, as we were reminded that just like the wind representing the Holy Spirit’s descent, and the tongues of fire, these two elements serve as essential driving forces. The wind as an enabler to be better Christians, with fire giving us passion to defend the faith.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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