Strange Dream Last Night! in BAH HUMBUG!

  • May 11, 2024, 6:18 a.m.
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I don’t know where I was but it was at night time. Someone told me my flat had been broken into by ”The Intruder” as he was known as he had a reputation for breaking into blocks. I ran home and had to go up a huge flight of metal stairs. It’s a shared house. The doors and locks to our flats are useless, quite flimsy. All our flats had been done and I was the last.

I went through the front door and there’s a couple came out who told me mine had now been done, they were furious with The Intruder which is understandable.

I crept into my room and the place was a tip but there was nothing stolen, same with the other flats. He breaks in, wrecks the room and leaves without stealing anything or hurting anyone.

Then the dream changed and there was The Intruder, he ”lives” in a serious of old rusted tin shakes that have been cobbled together. His own place is an absolutely mess and smells awful.

He’s been like it for years and people are utterly sick of him breaking into their properties.

They bound and gag him to a chair, walk out, tie his ”doorways” together and pour petrol in and a match …

Then the dream changed to something else!

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