May 15 in Reflection’s

  • May 15, 2024, 10:07 p.m.
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Yesterday I was uncharacteristically, irritable, and tired. I realize now it’s because I did some yard work and I am not used to doing that on a hot day. But it was good to push myself. This morning, I got up energetic and clearheaded my mood very good. I apologize to my birds if I had snapped at them the day before. It may not matter to them, but it does matter to me.

Feeling energized I got on the treadmill and I had fun with it for over an hour more than 7000 steps. I would play with the speed and incline, and that is a great thing about that treadmill that I can do. My bird max she flew on me several times and about half an hour she rested under my chin, a top the back of my hand. She likes the motion.

After that, I went outside to cool off and while slowly walking around the yard an Amazon truck stopped in front of my house. I seem to have immediately had a comic rapport with the driver. I was just joking, throwing things out, enjoying myself as he laughed his ass off. He told me that I had made his day by being so funny. I made him laugh and feel good and that made me feel good. I added something positive to another humans life today. I think that simple thing is a reason for any of us to be alive. I joked about the trash pick up guy who comes by once a week with his music blaring out and he is sometimes singing. It’s like an ice cream truck, but it picks up garbage. Here comes the garbage man I can hear his music down the street! He’s a good dude. He recognizes me and we always fist bump when I see him and we give each other pleasant greetings. Little things like that make life important. I think so many people in such jobs picking up garbage or delivering parcels are taken for granted and not truly treated like they are humans. I like to connect with people in if I can get a laugh or smile out of them, it’s great. I feel great.

I realize today that I’ve had so many birthdays and so many Christmases and then so many celebrations of this or that and they have never compared in the joy, I feel when I have some simple humorous connection with someone, often a stranger. those little uncontrived encounters we have they are the opposite of road rage. I may not remember them as I might some dull party but for a few moments, I and another human are shining together and grinning and damn that’s great.

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