In the Life Log - Day 60 in My Musings

  • May 16, 2024, 11:49 a.m.
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Today was another average day. While it was slightly busier compared to yesterday, nothing out of the ordinary happened both at work and outside of it. I did have another weird dream last night, however; a colleague, through email, said that it appeared I was not too engaged and attentive nowadays. The irony? The same colleague always appears disengaged.

I continued studying for tomorrow’s exam. I think I’ve already done what I can to prepare as I did another round of skimming through my notes and worked on the practice exams as well. Fingers crossed that things turn out just fine.

The menu earlier was shoulders and triceps. There were not much people in the gym yet again earlier so I was pretty much able to breeze through the workout session. The weights seemed a bit easier than usual + had a good pump in the process. Cardio, once again, felt long even with all the distractions. Still not a bad turnout, I’d say.

It’s finally Friday in a few minutes (it’s 11:47 p.m. as of this writing). I hope to finish strong. Also, it’s been 2 months after the fact. The days sure flew fast, but not gonna lie that I still think about her very so often.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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