In the Life Log - Day 57 in My Musings

  • May 13, 2024, 11:32 a.m.
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Another decent day. I conked out the moment I closed my eyes and would’ve slept a bit more if it were not too late. My total sleep last night was almost 9 hours. I did have a weird dream involving my childhood but nothing noteworthy.

Earlier, I decided to go onsite since I have obligations in the later part of the week that will require me to be at home. Traffic was not too bad; also, there was nobody else in the room where I’m stationed so it was very quiet for the most part of my shift. I decided to leave earlier too and opted to continue my work.

When I worked out earlier, the gym was expectedly full. Thankfully I was able to proceed with my workout (chest + triceps) as expected. Cardio felt a bit slow/boring again, but I was somehow able to pull it off, so I consider that a win.

In other news, finally some rain! It’s been scorching hot the past month so this is a welcome development.

Overall rating for the day: 8/10

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