Monday Poisoning in Current Events
- May 13, 2024, 5:04 a.m.
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I did not sleep well. I went to bed early so that I could start my hectic week off right. So naturally I woke up a brazilian times to void my damn bladder. Am I 50!? I’m going to be too tired to function today. My day is going to be long and full of terrors.
I was aiming to skip my nap after work so I could get more study time in. I have my physics test today. Then my chem one tomorrow.
They didn’t give me the nutmilk I ordered yesterday. There was more than enough for my coffee this morning when I last checked. My roommate finished it off with her midnight bowl of cereal. What a loser. All weekend she was home. She was useless around the apartment as always. She organized her storage totes it sounded like. She is so fucking cheap that she won’t buy herself a dresser or anything. The cow wants a second bike… priorities man.
I’m bitter this morning because I can’t chug my coffee. The plan wasn’t to drink it black. Like, I just wanted to blow up on her for being a useless cow. My trigger was when she filled her cup to the brim with kombucha and then proceeded to sip it as she walked away like a child. Like she can’t see that it’s all over the counter and floor that I JUST cleaned! She can’t even take care of herself. With my new diet, I ain’t been cooking for her. She has just been eating takeout because she is too lazy to function. I am lucky that she at least cleans her own room. I know she had bowls of cereal for a midnight dinner because she left me her dishes to put in the dishwasher. What a child.
I have 40 hours this week, I don’t want them. Not that I want to put that out into the aether. I have less than a month of school, it’s just too much. I’m burned out on the weekends. On the other hand, I need the money.
I get bummed out thinking about having no car this summer. There is a company that lends out cars for weekends at a time. I’m thinking about it. I’m also considering applying for that non-profit again. It pays $6 more dollars an hour. The job itself will be stressful. I would just be a mentor for aboriginal youth. I would sponsor families. Alex works with families of missing and murdered indigenous people. She sponsors the family of a high profile case where the body of the victim is in a landfill. People protest outside the court. White Power! They say. The killer says, in court, that we will all thank him. He believes white people to be an endangered species. He is trying to save his race by murdering young indigenous women. Yet, all his exes were Métis or First Nations. Make it make sense.
I got a letter in the mail from my work. We have to work a minimum of 16 hours a week or we lose our group benefits. They dropped us to 4 hours a week before I transferred to my current location. I’m bitter about the job altogether. That’s another entry. Marcello keeps talking about how we could own our labour through unions. I want to help him with that just out of spite. At least we can secure enough hours to keep our benefits.
If I get hired at the non-profit, I can afford a new car. Also, I can afford to kick my roommate out. Those are not my priorities but whatever. I don’t have time to think about anything.
I keep trying to conjure up some hope, a miracle that I can get a free ride through university. If that even exists. It’s not impossible. Ideally, I could just accepted to the university of Calgary to get my bachelor of science. It’s the school that teaches naturopathy so I would just be saving myself a trip. Too much to think about at 5 AM.
My brother is in town this weekend. I’m looking forward to that. I wish he brought his sons but that’s okay. I’m going to plan a trip out there this summer. To BC that is. That would be exciting.
Anyway, off to work now. I’ll have to find a way to stay positive and upbeat.
Last updated May 13, 2024
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