In the Life Log - Day 52 in My Musings

  • May 8, 2024, 10:49 a.m.
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Today was so-so. I was out like a light last night and had weird dreams again. I think it’s a combination of the mental and physical fatigue these past couple days, as I had to rely on the alarm clock to wake up me up.

The training earlier was quite exciting again. We mostly discussed the subject of creating a Privacy Impact Assessment using an existing case study as basis. We were then separated into two groups and asked to create an Impact Assessment based on what we’ve learnt so far. Not gonna lie, however, that the activity gave me mild anxiety. We were able to pull through somehow so that’s still a win.

Around an hour or so before the class ended (and until a couple hours after it), I had another wave of sadness fall over me. I’m not sure what caused it, but I reckon it’s mostly due to my lack of quality sleep the past couple days (6 hours vs 7-8). Thankfully, I was able to weather through the situation and did not give in to the urge to cry.

The gym was packed again when I came in earlier. Since it’s a Wednesday, I just did my cardio; this time on an elliptical since the treadmills and bikes were occupied. Not a bad session, overall, although my back still seemed a bit tender from yesterday’s workout.

Overall rating for the day: 5/10

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