living situation complications in The Daily (2014)
- Aug. 16, 2014, 5:04 a.m.
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quick entry because I am wanting to get an early bed and shit if stressful.
for those of you I don't have on facebook, Liz and I are potentially facing having to move again. Our landlord has proven to be, uhm, completely crazy. She over-works herself and so she has crazy mood swings. She calls us flipping out about every single tiny thing that goes wrong with the place and then calls later to apologize because she was "moody". Last week, she slipped a note under our door detailing all the things we were doing wrong as tenants. Completely ridiculous stuff, like that we shut the cupboards too loud. Apparently. This despite the fact that we have been putting up with a rat and then mouse infestation since the day we moved it, that the door to the bathroom won't shut, and the bedroom stinks like must and kind of gross and musky possibly from the rodents, and the main door isn't flush to the door so when you close it you have to lift it and that is how Liz ended up breaking the door knocker which she then called and yelled at her about.
She was supposed to meet us today but she said she was sick so she couldn't make it. She mentioned she had baked us some brownies. She is soooo up and down in terms of how she sees us.
Anyways, We are thinking about asking her if we can get out of the lease. I don't know if she will go for it. If not, we might just move in October anyways and accept the loss of the deposits.
So, here's the tension. We have 3 options:
1) Stay here and deal with the constant anxiety I am feeling as a result of her mood swings as well as the mouse infestation. It also might be a stretch to live here in Septmeber since Liz got her student loan assessment for her program and it basically only covers the cost of the tuition. I earn 2000 in a month if I don't miss any shifts and rent is 1000 here. So that is tight.
2) Move into another place with lower rent and lower amenities. This is really only possible if we get our deposits back because we can't afford to put a desposit on a place right now.
3) Move into Liz's parents basement suite, which they have offered us. This would mean 1000$ a month less in expenses. I could even drop to 3 or 4 shifts a week so I can start looking for professional work if I wanted to. It would be a lot easier financially. However, It would also add about 30 minutes a day to my commute to work and we would have to share the kitchen with her parents for the first few months. And the biggest consideration- we would need to find someone who could take care of Percy for up to 10 months, which is a loooot to ask. I really don't want to rehome him because I don't think he is very easily rehomable (he is really nervous) and also I love this cat. He is my baby. But her parents will not compromise on the "we do not want cats in our home" thing. Sigh.
Any thoughts, dear readers?
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