Wisteria! ohh la la in Hi This is Kat!

  • May 1, 2024, 6 p.m.
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Few flowers are as gorgeous as wisteria and in all reality wisteria is more of a weed than a flower.... it is very evasive and will take over an area. I planted it on the fence to the right of my property. to help control it. I cut it totally back to the big stalks every fall. I was cutting grass and I noticed it was just becoming in bloom. Some buildings are gorgeous with this vine growing up it… but it only flowers for a few weeks a year not worth looking at vines on my house LOL

BUT this side of the house I never see unless I cut the grass....tempted to let it grow up my chimney.... my luck it would grow down my chimney and start a fire in the fall LOL

Jodie β‹… May 01, 2024

We don't have that here at least I have neevr seen it...But they are really cool looking.

queenofegypt β‹… May 02, 2024

I love wisteria, too. It grows wild all over the place here, but I still want some for my yard. πŸ’œ

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