Almost down 30 Imperial Units. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

  • May 4, 2024, 11:58 a.m.
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I wanted to write about flow state and my weekly sleep/lifting/food cycle. But upon looking at my lifting week, oh man. There’s too much lifting jargon. I’m not saying I can’t articulate it. It’s that it would be such word vomit that I’ll lose any meaning.

Looking at a quick visual aid of my lifting week is intimidating to me, and it’s literally what I’m doing! Oh, each day is easy to understand. But when you see all three weeks just plastered together, damn.

Anyway, let’s take a look at the Data.

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Oh, you saw that coming.

But seriously, here’s my weight so far this year.

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I took the headspace that if I lost a very reasonable half a pound a week, I’d drop over 25 lbs over the year. I uh. I’ve kind of already beaten that pace.

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As far as nutrition goes, I ran a highly successful ongoing experiment of centering around (oatmeal), a lb of meat, and 6 eggs a day. The meat and eggs stupidproofs my protein to 120 grams of professional ‘teins. (The current lore is to aim for .8 g/lb of target weight. While not entirely my target, 120 would be good for a 150 lb target bodyweight.)

The experiment was: Could I sustainably eat this way and lose weight? And maintain gainz in the gym?

Yes, and yes.

18 weeks isn’t a diet. It’s a way of life. If you told me to eat some other way, I wouldn’t know what to eat.

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You don’t need to be particularly versed in math or statistics to see a recent increase in magnitude of the weekly Δ. I started a new job at the beginning of March. Between having less time to eat, and the obvious passive caloric expenditure.

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…Okay, that quote has nothing to do with anything. Definitely a lot easier to relax now in my off-hours, though.

For the two people versed in exercise, I’m running a lower/upper/accessory. I run my upper days all compound, and dump the isolation lifts day, when I’m fresher mentally. I was going 6-on, 1-off, then 3-on 1-off for an eight day week. Now, it’s Deadlift Day, OHP/Pull-up, Bro Day, rest, Squatz, Bench/row, rest.

This is on a 3-week cycle, which I don’t know how to explain in concise terms. For most lifts, set-rep undulates as such:

Week 1: 4x7 & 3x13
Week 2: 4x5 & 3x11
Week 3: 4x3 & 3x9

This is up a little from the previous - 3x5/4x12, 4x3/3x9, 5x1, 2x6. Singles proved to be problematic.

Most days, I wake up between 10 and 11 pm. I lift between 12 and 2 am. Shower and eat, and am zoning out on my couch by 3 am. Work at 4 am. Home at 1 pm, in bed around 3 pm.

On lifting days, oatmeal. Every day, a lb of meat. Break meal is the 6 eggs.

That… that’s it. I don’t know, I’m just in a rhythm, and it’s useful to annotate how I’m experiencing notably less stress. Or, try to annotate.

I’ve aligned two of my rest days before work. It is a lot easier to relax in the dead of the night, than it is when the sun is blinding you. Think of how sleepy you get when you’re tanning. That’s me in direct sunlight.

Prior to this shift of sleep cycle, I would always get sleepy in the afternoon. Now I just go to bed, rather than napping.

Oh, I don’t have a transition for this. Go into bulk with the routine that maintained your gainz on a cut. You know. Akin to “Go to war with the horse you rode in on.”

I do a lot of workout sketches on scrap paper. Most never come to fruition. But, some do. What I’m doing now was, at some point, some thoughts sketched over and over in my scrap notebook.

When I choose to bulk, or just maintain, it makes more sense to continue utilizing the same routine that has gotten me success this far, rather than overcomplicate things. I’m a ways from there.

Hrm. Feel like I’m repeating myself. Okaybye.

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