In the Life Log - Day 47 in My Musings

  • May 3, 2024, 12:25 p.m.
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Today was a bad day, headspace-wise. While I was able to get ~7.5 hours sleep and had no weird dreams, a sudden wave of sadness overcame me from early afternoon until just before I had to workout. I tried to shake the feeling off, but just couldn’t. There was a strong urge to cry too, which I was thankfully able to combat.

As always, work was very chill. Save for a few meetings, the majority of my afternoon was spent again on trainings just to keep myself occupied. Given my mental state earlier, doing said trainings was difficult to pull off.

It was leg day earlier. Strength was decent and was able to get extra reps from some of the exercises. What I’m not too happy about, however, was the duration. It took me shy of 90 minutes just to finish my routine when the usual is 75 minutes tops. Cardio on the stationary bike flew by quickly, however, so I’m grateful for that.

I’m just looking forward to a quiet and relaxing weekend.

Overall rating for the day: 3/10

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