Mood Constant in Current Events
- May 7, 2024, 12:29 p.m.
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I feel like my therapist is going to ask me how I’m feeling on a scale of 1-10 when I see him on Friday. I hate that question.
Kmood = [A][D] /
The mood constant equals the concentration of Anxiety times the concentration of Depression divided by the net of all forces.
Kmood = (7)(5) / (165(9.81)) = 0.021 N/M
Ok, I’m a derp. I don’t know what I’m feeling. I’m all over the place. All my scars are open. I knew it would be this way. I’m on the battlefield this time. It’s affecting every area of my life. I hate how conscious of it I am. It makes the battle even more intense. Today, my supervisor got under my skin. I was ready to make a big stink out of it. All my Scorpio placements were activated. I had to calm myself down and get over it. She’s only human. She is not a monster. She is not my enemy. She is allowed to be flawed. I hate how short-sighted I am.
I feel like I bombed my physics test today. I went in, did the test, and then left. My teacher is so patient and understanding. I have one more to write on Monday. I have my Chem test on Thursday. I’m going to try and talk her into pushing it to next Tuesday for us. It’s our biggest unit and she gave us a lab to do over the weekend. I only have one lab left to do but her link is broken. She said that I can do without it. It’s from our second unit so I have to try and remember how to do it. The unit is on kinetics. Fuck rate law. I’m giving myself tomorrow after work to do it. I need a mental break tonight.
So I bombed my last two tests, but I earned it. I was considering dropping out of my physics class but remembered that we are so close to the finish line. We have one more unit left for each class.
We dropped the ball on our camping trip. Leanne is doing all the heavy lifting. She is keeping an eye on sites. All we have to do is tell her which weekend to shoot for. We missed our chance to get a yurt at the park we went to last year, twice. Ange and Carly make everything so complicated. They take so long to reply in our group chat as well. Leanne is so pissed. I’m right there with her.
Maybe I have time for a summer fling. Can you imagine such a thing? lol Me? Doing dating stuff?
Anyway, on with my evening.
KissOfLife! ⋅ May 07, 2024
I hope you have a summer fling :P
And camping trip with friends so some wholesome. That's what I need! Haha.
I hope you don't give your therapist a 0.02 out of 10 haha. Mine asks that question each time and mine has been a '2' the first three times and a '5' last time, which was probably generous.