In the Life Log - Day 44 in My Musings

  • April 30, 2024, 1:40 p.m.
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Today was another boring / quiet day. I got to sleep about 7-ish hours in total, but kept waking up every now and then as to ensure that I don’t oversleep, unlike yesterday. I did dream about us again; this time, it was in our Telegram chat and she suddenly changed the background picture.

I decided to go onsite earlier since I’ll be spending the rest of the week working from home. There was surprisingly no traffic; I was informed by the taxi driver that there was a transport strike going on, so that could probably have contributed to it - the extent of which I don’t know.

Work, as always, was terribly quiet. No new tasks to work on, and the only significant meeting that I had was canceled owing to having only two agenda items. Another local colleague (as most of them are based in India and Poland) and I decided to have dinner outside for a change in pace. We turned up in McDonald’s as the Vietnamese place we were eyeing had to close early. Still got to chit-chat with said colleague, which was nice.

I trained back + biceps in the gym earlier. Had a pretty good pump going on again, but my neck bothered me a bit. Cardio was also more manageable, so I consider that a win.

As I reflect on the month that was, I’d like to think there’s progress in the headspace department. Visiting my psychiatrist twice and taking my medication, alongside keeping busy by meeting new people has helped, for sure. I look forward to an even better May.

Overall rating for the day: 6/10

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