In the Life Log - Day 41 in My Musings

  • April 27, 2024, 9:38 a.m.
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Today was a mixed bag. I was able to sleep a good 7.5 hours, but had a weird dream - that I was being chased by someone who wanted to cut my head off with a katana. I woke up and had a bit of anxiety going back to sleep, but thankfully I did.

I had a number of errands planned today, most of which didn’t turn out as wanted - have my old phone checked (it’s just gathering dust at home), have my sneakers cleaned, and go to mass. The first two were a bummer because: 1. the phone was recommended to be entirely replaced; and 2. two of my go-to places for sneaker cleaning were either permanently closed or had nobody in the stall.

Today’s Gospel talked about Jesus being the true vine, with the Father being the vine grower. We are then the fruit-bearing branches that remain with the vine, having received God’s words. The homily centered on two things - to love and put others first, and reflecting if we bear fruit. That made me think - is my existence making an impact to others? While I am on this endeavor to begin my spiritual journey anew, much work needs to be done. I continue to pray for guidance and clarity of mind + heart.

Overall rating for the day: 6/10

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