This was seen on Mumsnet recently. in I Can't Stand Them!
- April 27, 2024, 9:55 a.m.
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‘’To be disappointed about the book?
My daughter is in her mid-twenties. For Xmas she bought me a slim paperback book. I thought at the time it was a fairly modest gift but thanked her and put it on one side.
This evening I picked it up to read. I found she had omitted to rub out the pencil price put in at the charity shop. The book had cost £2.49.
I would like to have been worth a tenner.’‘
Oh, woe is you! Wah wah cry cry! If it’s not expensive enough then give it back to her and GROW UP you stupid selfish childish old bag!
FragileGlass ⋅ April 27, 2024
If one stops and mulls it over, could there be a nostalgic/sentimental reason for this particular gift?
Pusscat5862 FragileGlass ⋅ May 03, 2024
There could well be!
FragileGlass Pusscat5862 ⋅ May 04, 2024