But Otherwise in Everyday Ramblings

  • April 20, 2024, 2:14 p.m.
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California poppies about to bloom from this morning. The light here lately has been marvelous. Disconcerting as not having any rain this last week has been, the light on the full transformation from winter to spring has been stunning and magical. The dogwoods are amazing this year. The freeze totally messed with the camelias so for fans of them, a bit disappointing. I understand roses are already blooming in parts of the south.

This last week was pretty easy for me. I taught all my classes and did my chores, but I played hooky from meeting with the coffee guys, (we rescheduled the board meeting) and didn’t push the exercise. I had a dental cleaning as we are back now to a pre-pandemic schedule and spent some time at the garden. And a useful and informative Zoom with the League office in Washington D.C.

I meditated in some fashion every day and yesterday I potted up all of the current batch of tomato seedlings. In a few weeks I will take those that survive that indignity and put them out in the cold frame. We did have a frost day overnight Monday, so late for us, but other than losing a few columbine flowers everybody else made it through okay. Next week I will pot up the sweet pepper seedlings.

The trip to Seattle in late May is off the table as my niece has taken on some seasonal work that will conflict with the planned dates. We are going to reschedule to midweek in August so I can spend more time with her. I am going wild and take a second week off this year from teaching. I need a break. It will be better for me, and I will have more to offer my students. I need to practice what I preach, and I do preach rest.

Miss E. didn’t get a slot in the master’s program in Paris she wanted, so she is going to Dublin in the autumn for a one-year program there. Hmmm. I wonder how she would feel about a visitor. :) Not that I can afford a trip to Ireland right now… it would be nice to spend some time with her as well as her mother. We aren’t getting any younger. Who knows though, she might settle in Europe. I just get the vibe that she is considering that.

My strength teacher just started a new program on conditioning. I had to miss the first class because I was at the dentist, but she records it. I talked to Cardiology about what to look for when pushing myself physically that might be concerning.

I have been backing off a little the last six months and I would like to work on some things. I can feel my age in that I feel a little less resilient and a little more unstable. Annoying things like a bit of tendinopathy in my left Achilles after coming down the Elevator Steps a few weeks ago. Tendons take forever to heal.

But otherwise, I am feeling much better than I have in the last month. I think I may have had some sort of virus as well as stress and seasonal allergies.

Next week I have a couple of League meetings, one in person, one virtual. And I will go back to the coffee guys. But otherwise, I have a little time to consider what I want to focus on, and what I need to focus on as our summer rolls out before us.

There is that book project…

Last updated April 20, 2024

Jinn April 20, 2024

Gardening is off here . We have a freeze warning for tonight . I am not liking that although I have not planted anything new yet . I hold off until after Mother’s Day although I could have done lettuce and peas . I didn’t . Drat it!
I wish I had a relative in Europe ! :-) If you get the chance, you should go .
Rest sounds very therapeutic !

noko Jinn ⋅ April 20, 2024

I do hope this is the last frost for you and you can get gardening. It is so good for the soul.

Jinn noko ⋅ April 22, 2024

Thanks ! Me too !

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