You can do side bends and situps in Today
- April 7, 2024, 10:03 p.m.
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I cannot express appropriately what a fan I am of Walmart’s salad bags. They take about 2 minutes to mix and last about three meals for one person.
Getting back into the gym has been easier than I thought. Even though it’s now a twenty minute drive, I want to do this. I am still enjoying myself and having never used a gym regular in my life, that has been pleasantly surprising.
The last gym I went to had a machine to do crunches. I hate real crunches, but in the new gym, I am back to a bench and real crunches. Don’t worry, though. This butt ain’t going anywhere.
Still getting settled in. Rearranging and ordering things a piece at a time. Life is taking on a dream like state. And more of a lost in a fog, not a Vanilla Sky, everything is beautiful state. I never seem to have time to settle down and relax, but it might just be too soon. This week should be slower.
Still got books everywhere and I need a couple pieces of furniture with no idea how to get them here. I can do without until I get a plan together.
Life really is simpler here. I am finding moments of peace. It’s nice. I am thankful to God for that. Despite everything I believe I am in the right spot. For now.
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